Sustainability Lens Game


Landmark College / Putney, Vermont, USA

Dr. Tamara Stenn is a USA professor, researcher, author, and creator of the Sustainability Lens Game. Using indigenous wisdom, systems thinking, and nature cycles, the Game guides players to create innovative, fun, resilient enterprises which exceed Sustainable Development Goals.


Media Art, Product Design, Planning and Direction, Research, Others



Dr. Tamara Stenn is an economist, social enterprise developer, author, researcher, Professional Studies faculty, and coordinator of the Landmark College Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program (LEAP) at Landmark College - a school that specializes in teaching students with Learning Differences.
Tamara is the founder of the Sustainability Lens Game, an inclusive, engaging way to build more fun, innovation, and resistance into any organization. She recently completed a 3-year Fulbright study on the well-being of Bolivia's women quinoa growers (2015-2018). Together with the producers studied, Tamara founded A Perfect Seed, Inc. a farmer-run cooperative specializing in Royal Quinoa seed varieties. She is also presenting and publishing papers and book chapters analyzing the experience for management and economics disciplines.
She authored the text, Social Entrepreneurship as Sustainability, introducing the Sustainability Lens (Springer, 2017) which creates new ways for entrepreneurs to approach business development. Tamara also wrote The Cultural and Political Intersection of Fair Trade and Justice, Managing a Global Industry (Palgrave, Sept. 2013) a book that critically examines Fair Trade, handicrafts and coffee, women’s leadership, and development economics, and has classroom exercises at the end of each chapter.




Landmark College / Putney, Vermont, USA

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