Photo by Yumi Nishihara (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
BioHack Academy(BHA)は、市民やメイカーのためのDIYバイオのレクチャープログラムです。オランダ・アムステルダムでテクノロジーと社会とをつなぐ様々なプログラムを運営しているWaag Societyが提供しているオンラインのDIYバイオレクチャーシリーズ。約10週間にわたり生物学やDIYバイオに関する講義やバイオラボに必要な機材をDIYで作り、微生物の培養や実験をするなどの実践、バイオテクノロジーの文化についての議論など、バイオの民主化におけるさまざまな問題や可能性について触れることのできる機会を提供しています。
Hiroki Kaimoto / 開元 宏樹
Yohei Inokuchi / 猪口 陽平
Youngah seong / ソン ヨンア
Kai Naito / 内藤 海 (BHA4修了生)
Fablab Kamakura デザイナー。テーマは照明、プロダクト、住空間。
Sayaka Shimada / 島田 さやか (BHA4修了生)
Ciara Redmond / キーラ レッドモンド
Georg Tremmel(ゲオルグ・トレメル) /研究者・アーティスト
西原由美 /ERATO川原万有情報網プロジェクト、インタラクティブマター&ファブリケーショングループ特任研究員
Georg Tremmel, Yumi Nishihara / BHA5オーガナイザー
The BioHack Academy is a great place to start your journey into the merging worlds of Biology and Digital Fabrication. These seemingly different worlds are currently coming together, producing a multitude of projects in a variety of shapes: from home-grown lab equipment to projects dealing with the ethical, political and societal implications of the emerging biotechnologies.
Students learned not only the basics of Biology, but also were introduced to Electronics, Laser Cutting, 3D Modelling and 3D Printing. The BioHack Academy has two clear goals: on the one hand to show that it's possible to build your own DIY Bio Laboratory from scratch, on the other hand to create a community of like-minded people who are curious about DIY Bio, Open Science, BioHacking and BioArt and are willing to invest time and energy to explore the possibilities and potential of Bio+Fab.
We will participate again in 2019 in the next sessions of the BHA, in the meantime, look out for upcoming workshops, classes and presentations at BioClub.
Hope you enjoy the BHA5 exhibition and see you at next year's BHA6!
Waag societyからのメッセージ
Roland van Dierendonck /director of the BioHack Academy, Waag
In front of you lies a booklet of which the pages are filled to the margin with biohackers and their fabrications. Seeing these projects develop through the course of the BioHack Academy has been a joy and I am honoured writing this short introduction. It is fantastic that the BioClub took the effort to create this booklet as a lasting evidence of the 2018 edition, an example which I hope will inspire others in years to come.
The BioHack Academy is a yearly international programme organised by Waag in Amsterdam, in collaboration with partner labs worldwide. Participants build their own laboratory devices, develop laboratory skills, work with living materials, get introduced into genetics and develop personal projects following their individual curiosity. These projects vary wildly depending on personal interest and aim, from playful explorations to practical applications.
Looking back, I fondly remember my weekly organizers video calls with Georg and Yumi. During these calls, the Tokyo biohackers would be prototyping in the background. Enthusiastically, they would show me the latest versions of their projects in front of the camera. Every week, I witnessed their progression, as they explained new choices they made while trying to solve questions they encountered, practical (worm-eaten holes) or philosophical (life, death and gametes).
Enjoy the exhibition, stay curious and keep on biohacking!
BioHack Academy (BHA)とは?
BioHack Academyは10週間にわたる生物学の実践的な講座です。オランダのWaag Society (と提携して開講され、「自分だけのバイオラボを設計、製作、使用、共有する」ための基礎を学ぶことができます。2018年はFabCafe MTRLと慶應義塾大学 UIN インタラクティブマターラボを拠点に活動。
- 生物学とバイオハックの基礎を学びます
- バイオの実験に使う機材(クリーンベンチ、遠心分離機、PCR装置等)を製作・その使用 方法を学びます
- 微生物を用いた実験を行います (細菌の培養、細菌の形質転換、ゲノム編集技術CRISPRを用いた実験等)
- 個人のプロジェクトに取り組み、成果発表を行います
開催期間: 2018年1月30日(火)〜4月3日(火) の毎週火曜日・土曜日
協力:BioClub、慶應義塾大学 UIN インタラクティブマターラボ
BioHack Academy Japan / Waag Society
/ 慶應義塾大学 UIN インタラクティブマターラボ / FabCafe
名称 |
BioHack Academy 5 Exhibition |
展示期間 |
2018年7月30日(月)-8月12日(日) |
場所 |
FabCafe Tokyo |
入場料 |
無料 |
開場時間 |
10:00-20:00 |