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Surface of a mountain in a late fall

I'm Shiga-plateau in Nagano-prefecture by long photography travel in autumn.
A picture is taken and it's beyond Shibu-pass in a border between prefectures (for an altitude, 2172m).
Just before Kusatsu Shirane-mountain from which even beauty of the colored leaves is learned about
yoshigaflat who feels NI is wide big was visited.
But, unfortunately, colored leaves, already, already, the end, wow.
please, I shifted to the winter scenery which waits for snow.
But the red sunset will be dusk, and strikes in the surface of a mountain.
When they began, entourage changed completely and defoliated completely.
The trees of a delicate birch are applied the center at all,
It's transformed into the view of the late fall when it's full of emotion like the picture I got.
It was done.
