Title of the submitted project/idea
Miss Eco 環保外送
Title of the submitted project/idea (English)
Miss Eco Eco-friendly Food Delivery
URL of a video introducing the submitted project or idea (5 minutes or less)
Brief concept description of the submitted project/idea
■ 全台首創 環保外送
Miss Eco一口覓食,透過循環餐具派送餐點,解決外送服務製造的大量垃圾問題。我們是一個注重永續環境、消費者健康的美食外送平台。創辦人以中、西醫療背景,堅持為顧客篩選健康、永續的餐飲店家,讓顧客只要到Miss Eco平台,就能享用健康餐點,又同時對環境友善。
■ 為顧客創造『健康』『永續』美食價值
■ 提供綠色餐飲店家外送市場商機
Miss Eco平台讓綠色餐飲店家能將『環境友善理念』從食材、餐飲、內用環境,得以延續到外送市場。
我們為店家處理金流、循環餐盒物流與顧客服務,並且串連綠色店家,進行健康與環境理念議題的行銷,增強店家間的導客量,讓店家可以專心研發更健康、美味的餐點,再回饋到顧客身上。 -
Brief concept description of the submitted project/idea (English)
Miss Eco, the first eco-friendly delivery company in Taiwan, sets up a circular reusable tableware system for meal delivery. We aim to solve the huge pile of waste problems caused by the current food delivery market.
We believe that implementing circular economy solutions in our daily life can make the most impact in reducing waste and ameliorate environmental problems. We deliver meals and daily necessities to our customers, which make adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle no longer troublesome.
Moreover, we cooperate with healthy and plant-based restaurant partners to provide our customers with healthy meals and also medical knowledge newsletter to make leading a wholesome life easily achievable. As a social enterprise, we offer our restaurant partners and delivery staff better profits, together establishing a sustainable system.
Miss Eco's vision is to make an eco-friendly and healthy lifestyle as convenient as possible. -
Detailed description of the submitted project/idea
這是我們的世代,宅經濟與COVID-19的交互作用之下,外送崛起,市場預測2021年,外送產業會達到百億規模,同時伴隨著外送服務增加,去年上半年紙容器回收量達7萬3,863公噸,較前年同期2.8萬噸多出近三倍,今年的數字又會增加多少呢?我們製造了大量的一次性垃圾,2020紙容器業產值 644 億元,年增 6.94%,連續 5 年正成長。
#我們的合作店家根據健康飲食趨勢,去把關篩選,例如在地有機、原形食物,減少紅肉攝取、健康料理方式,以及低碳飲食,蔬食的店家 -
Detailed description of the submitted project/idea (English)
URL of your project / idea
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