Consumer Cotton Project
Consumer Cotton Project
コンシューマーコットンプロジェクトでは、私たち消費者が古着を手放す際の「回収と選別」を担うことで、既存のルートとは別の新たな循環型ルートを創出する、ソーシャルイノベーションの実験的な社会実装プロジェクトです。 -
The Consumer Cotton Project is a recycled cotton project based on used clothing that creates a new cycle by making us, the consumers, the producers.
In the current Japanese fashion industry, used clothes are sorted analogously by human eyes and hands, and the main circulation route is to carry out the whole process of sorting, reuse, and waste production in Asian countries where labor costs are low and where the reuse is sold. However, this is a structure that lacks the possibility and flexibility of other circulation loops, and even if circulation-based design and manufacturing were to take place, there would be no route itself, which is a major challenge in the quest for a sustainable and recycling-based industry.
The Consumer Cotton Project is an experimental social implementation project of social innovation that creates a new circular route other than the existing one by taking on the "collection and sorting" of used clothes when we, the consumers, give them away. -
/1. Social innovation design by people|私たち生活者一人ひとりによるソーシャルイノベーション
/2. Expanding the range of sustainable cotton|サステナブルコットンの選択肢を拡張する
/3. IoT technology for sustainable use|持続可能な利用のためのIoTテクノロジー
Consumer Cotton Project(コンシューマーコットンプロジェクト)は、わたしたちの不要になったコットンの服を集め、再びコットンの服に生まれ変わらせるプロジェクト。わたしたちの服がちゃんと終わり、そして始まるために。捨てられるはずだったその服から、もう一度始まる再生というものづくりを進めていく。
__ 100人の一歩、その捨て方をデザインする
これからより必要になっていくのは、大きな組織の100歩ではなく、私たち一人ひとりの1歩だ。力のある誰かが進める取り組みを受け取り消費するのではなく、参加し自らが創ること。多くの人たちがつながり活かし合いながら、当事者意識を重ねて自分の足で前に進めること。大量生産大量消費から適量生産適量消費へと、20世紀型から21世紀型にアップデートすることが求められている現在、草の根的にわたしたちの手で新しい消費の概念をつくっていくことは不可能ではないのだから。それがDesign by peopleの時代である。
きっと令和の時代は、自分以外の誰かのために声をあげたり、わたしたち一人ひとりが行動を起こしていく、それがあたりまえになるのだと思う。わたしたちが、わたしたち自身で手がけていく、これまでの常識を変えていくこと。何かの課題を解決するのではなく、意味をつくること。新しい価値観は、必ず今を古くする。このファッションの終わり方が、これからのスタンダードにしていくために。「捨てる」あり方を変え、社会を前に進めていきたい。 -
● Drawing an Auxiliary Line from the End to the Beginning
In Japan, the percentage of consumers who pass on their unwanted clothes to the next baton in the form of reuse or recycling is about 34%, and the remaining 66% dispose of their clothes as garbage because it "does not require much effort or labor. The remaining 66% of people dispose of their clothes as garbage because "it doesn't take much effort or labor". The amount of waste is about 480,000 tons per year, most of which is incinerated or landfilled.
The Consumer Cotton Project is a project to collect our unwanted cotton clothes and recycle them into cotton clothes. This is so that our clothes can have a proper ending and beginning. The project aims to create something that starts over again from the clothes that should have been thrown away.
● Reasons and possibilities for limiting the use of cotton
The fashion industry has an impact on the environment at every stage, from the procurement of raw materials, manufacturing of fabrics and clothes, and transportation to disposal, and due to the amount of energy used in manufacturing and the short life cycle, it has become a major global problem as an industry with an extremely large environmental impact. In particular, it is said that about 90% of the greenhouse gas emissions come from the production of materials, with the procurement of raw materials accounting for most of the emissions, exceeding 40%. In addition to this, a large amount of water is used in the cultivation and dyeing of the raw material plants, and the environmental impact of these processes is becoming greater and greater with the recent mass production of clothing.
Cotton, in particular, has many problems such as pesticides, human rights, and water resources, and in terms of water resources, 8.3 billion square meters of water is required annually for the production of clothing in Japan, of which about 90% is used for cotton cultivation. It is said that if all cotton were replaced with organic cotton, water consumption would be reduced by about 6.7 billion square meters per year, but the reality is that organic cotton only accounts for about 1% of all cotton. However, the reality is that organic cotton only accounts for about 1% of all cotton. If a route can be established to recycle large amounts of discarded clothing into raw cotton material, and if even a small amount of consumer cotton can be used to replace regular cotton, it will be of great significance.
The annual domestic supply is about 3.5 billion items, or more than 800,000 tons in weight. Cotton accounts for more than 200,000 tons of this, and we should not turn it into a mere fuel just because there is no recycling route.
● One step for 100 people, designing how to dispose of it
What does it mean to throw something away? In the Kojien dictionary, it is described as "to take away from the hand as something that is not needed. In other words, if you want to keep something you need for the next time, you don't have to "throw it away" even when you let go of your clothes.
In order to do this, it is not the 100 steps of a large organization that will be needed, but the one step of each of us. Rather than receiving and consuming the efforts of someone with power, we need to participate and create our own. Many people must connect and utilize each other, and move forward on their own with a sense of ownership. It is not a big change, but it is not impossible to create a new concept of consumption with our own hands at the grassroots. This is the era of design by people.
I believe that in the age of harmony, it will become commonplace for each of us to speak up and take action for someone other than ourselves. I believe that in the age of harmony, it will become commonplace for each of us to speak up for someone other than ourselves and to take action. It's not about solving a problem, but about creating meaning. New values will always make the present old. In order to make the end of fashion the standard for the future. "I want to change the way we throw things away and move society forward. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) -
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Consumer Cotton Project
Consumers become producers.
This is a recycled cotton project that starts with our old clothes, creating a new recycling loop by involving consumers proactively and becoming part of the industrial ecosystem.
The consumer cotton derived from used clothes recycled through this project will be developed into IoT textile products equipped with NFC chips. This will enable interaction between the product and the user, communication between the brand and the user's experience, and promote care and repair for long-lasting use, as well as collection when the clothes are given away.
Consumers become producers.
This is a recycled cotton project that starts with our old clothes, creating a new recycling loop by involving consumers proactively and becoming part of the industrial ecosystem.
The consumer cotton derived from used clothes recycled through this project will be developed into IoT textile products equipped with NFC chips. This will enable interaction between the product and the user, communication between the brand and the user's experience, and promote care and repair for long-lasting use, as well as collection when the clothes are given away.