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ごみを通してワクワクする未来を-for exciting future with waste-

「ごみ」 ってポジティブなんだ。
産業廃棄物業界の私たちが毎日向き合うごみ、 そして日常のごみがポジティブに循環してほしい。
日々ごみと向き合っていく中で、 私たちが身にまとう服のその後について考えてみた。 服が循環したら面白くないか。 面白いってポジティブじゃないか。 わくわくするね。 というところから考え始めました。

"Waste" is a positive thing!
We would like waste that we in the industrial waste company face every day, and the garbage in our daily lives to circulate positively.
As we deal with waste every day in our work and in our daily lives, we have been thinking about what happens to the clothes after we wear.
Wouldn't it be interesting if clothes could circulate?
Isn't "interesting" a positive thing? It's exciting! That's how we started thinking.

Storage warehouse for used clothing

Crushing process of used clothes before making into yarn

Thread made from used clothes

Socks made from used clothes
