• 37

When's the most beautiful day at TAU?

エンジニア / グラフィック / パフォーマンス / その他
This is a kind of experiment to analyze photograph with programming software. I choose Tama art university which locates in Hachioji, Tokyo as a place to analyze. This place is famous for the sight of rich nature and its beautifulness. I had tried knowing the particular day which is the most beautiful day at the campus of that university. As a process, I collected lots of pictures of the campus then researched how many colors are used in each photo because of my hypothesis; the more colors the photo has, the more beautiful the sight of the campus on that day is. For the next, I made some graphics with Processing. To make them, I used colors which are extracted from those photos. If my hypothesis is true, the graphic of the most beautiful day is the top of them, looking great. As a fact, it was true. It was the most beautiful one that the graphic which is made from 1416colors picked up from the original picture of it is.

What I tried is the whole process; when I found a curious thing, setting a definition then researched with data. And as an output, I used programming software to verify it.
