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The Mayans believed that the end of the year was a time of transition, when the old year would give way to the new.
To celebrate and close the year we had the pleasure to honor the four elements of matter, the unity of life and the carbon allotropes with the stage design for the ¨Chill-Out / Kakaw-Elixir bar¨ at Cosmic Convergence Festival 2022-23 at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.
The Mayans concluded that cacao had spiritual and medicinal properties, as part of the rich religious and ceremonial culture they consumed it in form of a drink, which was made by mixing ground cacao with water and spices.
Carbon is one of the most important elements of the periodic table for living beings; it makes life possible, is a key ingredient in the foods that sustain us, and provides an important source of energy.
Carbon Nano-Tubes and fullerenes are made of carbon atoms arranged in specific patterns, which gives them their unique properties.
To celebrate and close the year we had the pleasure to honor the four elements of matter, the unity of life and the carbon allotropes with the stage design for the ¨Chill-Out / Kakaw-Elixir bar¨ at Cosmic Convergence Festival 2022-23 at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.
The Mayans concluded that cacao had spiritual and medicinal properties, as part of the rich religious and ceremonial culture they consumed it in form of a drink, which was made by mixing ground cacao with water and spices.
Carbon is one of the most important elements of the periodic table for living beings; it makes life possible, is a key ingredient in the foods that sustain us, and provides an important source of energy.
Carbon Nano-Tubes and fullerenes are made of carbon atoms arranged in specific patterns, which gives them their unique properties.