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JW Eco-Technology: Revolutionary Water, Transportation and Environmental Infrastructure Solution Achieving On-site Water Circulation

I. Challenge
In time facing climate emergency, the world is facing unprecedented droughts and climate change. The traditional way of building roads become a core problem. These roads enclose the surface of the ground, preventing the land from breathing and severely damaging the circulation between the ground and the underground. They don't allow rainwater to penetrate the ground, leading to flooding and groundwater shortages. In addition, pollutants such as dust and vehicle emissions cannot return to the ground, causing air and water pollution. In summer, asphalt roads absorb heat, triggering the urban heat island effect and exacerbating energy consumption. These challenges are exacerbated in times of climate emergency and require new approaches to sustainable city building and planning.
Water is the most precious resource on Earth and the cornerstone of human civilization. Without water, life as we know it would cease to exist; without water, the foundations of modern society would crumble. Therefore, the sustainable management of water resources is crucial for realizing the UN' Sustainable Development Goals. However, climate change and population growth have given rise to unprecedented water challenges: too much water brings the risk of flooding, too little water results in shortages, and too dirty water poses its own threat. It is imperative that we take proactive measures to address these three challenges and promote water sustainability for sustainable development.

Ⅱ Core Concept
Traditional gray infrastructure creates cities that block natural circulation, causing flooding, drought, pollution, and heat islands. Green infrastructure emphasizes vegetation and natural water systems for more sustainability. Nonetheless, the widespread implementation of green infrastructure faces challenges due to its limitations in terms of low efficiency and insufficient strength.
Grey and green approaches may seem incompatible, in terms of the difficult for co-existence between human development and natural ecosystem. However, JW Eco-Technology follows nature's example, re-imagining road design based on natural cycles and coexistence with water, by combining the load-bearing strength of gray infrastructure with green infrastructure's symbiosis with nature, achieving harmony between human development and natural ecosystem.
Hence, we aim to build a JW Eco-Smart Sponge City to realize the vision of "Embrace Earth ; Benefit Humanity".

Ⅲ Methodology
JW Eco-Technology provides a global solution for resilient infrastructure. The JW Eco-Technology system includes revolutionary permeable pavement, underground reservoir, and solar permeable pavement and can simultaneously achieve multiple functions that support human civilization and nature’s way. Infrastructures now can co-exist with water in harmony by implementing JW Eco-Technology for mitigating climate warming and adapting to climate change to achieve clean energy, cooling, flood/drought prevention, carbon capture, water quality improvement, low maintenance and other multiple benefits. These benefits have been scientifically proven with evidences.
1. JW Eco-Technology System as a Comprehensive Water Adaptation Model
The JW Eco-Technology has developed an on-site water circulation system by integrating surface and groundwater resources for comprehensive water adaptation. This model involves collecting all surface water, including rainwater and sewage, purifying it, and storing it in an underground reservoir for reuse. The used water can be reintroduced into the system, thus achieving multiple use and water circulation. By adopting JW Eco-Technology, we can ensure sustainable use of water resources, resolve issues related to " too much, too little, and too dirty water", and reduce our dependence on external water sources, ultimately contributing to the preservation of this vital resource, water.
The JW Eco-Technology provides breathable roads as a Nature-based Solution, having benefits including:
(1) Forming on-site infiltration groundwater reservoirs: JW Eco-Technology uses numerous aqueducts to rapidly guide rainwater into the ground and store it directly in load-bearing groundwater reservoirs for recharge or reuse. This approach can effectively turn heavy rainfall into water resources and help to solve drought disasters, while promoting sustainable water management practices.
(2) Forming JW Eco road wetlands with a decontamination function: JW Eco-Technology lets air circulate naturally, generating pressure difference by using different sizes of pipes to let air circulate naturally. Roads that have blocked the circulation between air and soil would now be re-designed based on natural philosophy to return to natural circulation to make roads to become main battle fields for environmental governance. Urban roads that account for about 10% ~ 20% in area can be converted from pollution source to underground wetland system that can provide ecological functions and deal with water pollution, air pollution. This would be rapid and effective solution to make the city keep clean and refreshing.
(3) Load-bearing and sustainable pavement: The JW Eco-Technology system has many advantages, including high water permeability and retention (JW pavement having permeability of 12,500mm/hr, JW load- bearing rainwater module having module storage rate of over 90%), as well as high compressive strength (JW pavement over 510kgf/cm2; JW load- bearing rainwater module over 1,000 kN/m2; traditional ones 200kN/m2) , making it suitable for high traffic flow and high-load bearing roads with a long product lifecycle. Additionally, the expected lifespan of the system is at least 30 years, and it has been in place for over 10 years without damage, contributing to the safety of road users and reducing pollution and waste of public funds.
The JW Eco-Technology system offers a unique solution to the challenges of urban development, providing a highly load-bearing, permeable, and breathable road infrastructure that supports human civilization while also promoting a healthy ecosystem. This sustainable road system ensures clean water, air, and food for all, while also protecting the earthworms, plants, and microorganisms that make up the local ecosystem.

2. Practical Examples
JW Eco-Technology has completed more than 1,000 projects around the world, to demonstrate its ability to solve environmental problems, including
(1) Li-Ming High School's achievement in converting stormwater into water resource and solving flooding and drought problems at the same time: Li-Ming High School, which was built by JW Eco-Technology with the participation of all teachers and students, safely survived a 24-hour 600mm rainstorm and converted 20,000 tons of floodwater retention into water resources, solving the dilemma of annual flooding and water shortage in the past 60 years since the establishment of the school.
(2) Creating sustainable water resources for drought in Zhangjiakou: Zhangjiakou, the site of the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022, utilized JW Eco-Technology to implement the Ministry of Housing and Construction's sponge city construction, and the minister personally visited the city to practice the world's most ecologically sustainable Winter Olympics pioneer. It is proven to provide water and greenery to improve the environment by retaining water in drought-prone areas.

Ⅳ Innovation
JW Eco-Technology has created a new concept of "on-site water circulation". This concept completely revolutionizes the traditional concept of water resource management. It is a revolutionary all-round solution to global water and environmental problems by achieving all including flood prevention, water permeability, water storage, and water purification, resulting in the complete recycling of water resources and on-site purification.
The changes brought by JW Eco-Technology are more than just a single improvement. In the field of water management, JW Eco-Technology, as a revolutionary innovation, is reshaping people's understanding and use of water with its unique characteristics, rethinking and optimizing urban water management, and realizing the comprehensive management and use of water resources.
The JW Eco-Technology system offers a unique solution to the challenges of urban development by integrating road and water infrastructure. The paved surface serves not just as a road, but also accommodates lush vegetation to combat desertification and provide food as well as solar plant to provide clean energy. The subsurface contains reservoirs and wetland systems. This approach ensures construction meets both human needs and environmental health. Rather than cause damage, it actively restores ecosystems, especially with the concrete layer providing climate resilience and sustainability.

Ⅴ Replicability
For global common interest, JW Eco-Technology is the first and the only one that can create the environmental repairing capacity, which is also sustainable and side-effects free. In the context of extremely terrible environment, the use of JW Eco-Technology to create "a road on the ground and a reservoir underground" is the only way to cool the air in the tropical, melt snow in winter, collect water for islands and create oasis in the desert.
As long as there is human civilization, there will be roads. JW Eco-Technology can be applied to all roads and outdoor pavement, which shows the scalability and replicability of JW Eco-Technology. Whether for new roads or transformation of existing roads, JW pavement has corresponding practical cases. Any user that needs to be in contact with the ground would be the direct beneficiary.
The JW Eco-Technology is a locally adaptable approach that aims to meet various local needs, including urban ecology restoration, desert oasis economy, and island adaptation. It is highly scalable due to its wide applicability, promotion of education and participation for all, and the implementation of financial mechanisms such as funds.
The JW Eco-Technology is a highly reproducible and scalable structural system that creates an innovative ecosystem. Unlike a fixed product, it can be extended from small homes and communities to cities and countries, making it highly versatile. JW Eco-Technology is independently developed and designed to be and highly reproducible so as to achieve its goal of internationalization and aid in the fight against global warming and climate change.

Ⅵ Recognition
1. Standard
JW Eco-Technology has been included in many national and regional policies, strategies and plans, as described below:
-The Ministry of Housing and Construction of China has included "JW Eco-Technology" in the "Sponge City Construction Practical Technical Handbook" for China municipal engineering, becoming an important technical indicator for sponge city construction. The project has become a model and highlight of sponge city planning in China.
- The 'Technical Standard for Application of Sponge City Permeable Pavement between Sides across the Strait' in Fujian, China has included the JW Eco-Technology and can be used as a designated standard for design."
- The JW Eco-Technology has been included in the Green Building Certification System in Taiwan (EEWH, Taiwan Green Building Council), where the water retention capacity of the base of the JW Eco-Technology is 6 times that of the traditional permeable pavement.
- The JW Eco-Technology has been included in the "Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation" as a reference for global climate change adaptation measures.
These recognitions demonstrate the value and effectiveness of JW Eco-Technology in addressing the challenges of climate change and urbanization.
2. Awards
JW Eco-Technology has won numerous awards for its work in environmental protection, invention, and road construction. These awards include the 2017 Global Road Achievement Award (first and only prize), the 2018 and 2019 Energy Globe Awards, the 2021 Rushlight Awards for Water Management, and numerous gold medals and awards for inventions. These awards recognize JW Eco-Technology's work in the environmental, civil engineering, roadway, water resources, and technological innovation fields.
This year, JW Eco-Technology was awarded the only first place in the Technology and Solution Award for improving climate change of the 2023 UN LivCom Awards for SDGs. Recently, it has also been recognized by the Green Apple Environment Awards in the United Kingdom.
In order to address the pressing global water challenges, the UN 2023 Water Conference emphasized emerging "Game-Changer" solutions that can drive breakthroughs, and JW Eco-Technology was invited to participate in the UN Water Conference and hosted a side event to present the proposal of "Use JW Eco-Technology to Create City Water Banks for Converting Stormwater into Resources", which was discussed by domestic and international scholars. We also presented "JW Eco-Technology for achieving on-site water circulation" as a "Game-Changer" solution to the global problem of too much water, too little water, and too dirty water and was highly regarded by the organizers.
JW Eco-Technology has recently been selected as a finalist in the "2023 Water Changemaker Innovation Award". This is a recognition of JW Eco-Technology's potential as a comprehensive solution to global water problems, and further confirms that "JW Eco-Technology" is a "Game-Changer" solution to the global problems of too much water, too little water, and too dirty water that the UN 2023 Water Conference is looking for. We look forward to promoting meaningful change through JW Eco-Technology.

Ⅶ International Participation
1.The JW Eco-Technology has been recognized by various countries and international organizations, with its recognition increasing since 2015. It has been showcased at various international events such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP21-COP27, including the Paris Climate Conference where it was praised as a key technology to address global warming. In addition, it was invited to demonstrate at the delegates' pavilion during COP23 and was interviewed by the United Nations press.
2. We have signed contracts with over 60 countries worldwide to utilize the JW Eco-Technology. In 2020, the United Nations invited JW Eco-Technology to work together in combating climate change. Recent projects have included countries such as Turkey, Philippines, Vietnam, Ivory Coast, Senegal, and France.
3. Our poster titled "JW Eco-Technology - A Holistic Nature-Based Solution for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation" was selected for the UNFCCC Global Stocktake Poster Contest. This activity aims to assess the overall global progress of adaptation and mitigation actions. In this way, we provide recommendations to the United Nations for effective implementation of climate change improvement strategies and technologies. The JW Eco-Technology is highlighted as a key methodology for addressing climate change through holistic, nature-based solutions.
