デジタル製品パスポート&環境貢献PRツール「MateRe-DPP」 / “MateRe - DPP”, new design for digital product passport
I once heard a representative from a major Japanese manufacturer express frustration, saying, "Sustainable products don't sell." Indeed, in Japan, there seems to be less consumer interest in sustainable products compared to the EU. This lack of market demand makes it challenging for companies to continue producing sustainable products, posing a significant problem for those of us aiming to achieve resource circulation.
To address this issue, we have re-designed the Digital Product Passport (DPP), often discussed in the context of regulatory compliance, into a tool that also adds value to sales promotion and after-service. We developed a product named "MateRe-DPP."
It can incorporate information via various mediums such as QR codes, barcodes, and RFID, but the most effective method is embedding NFC into products, integrating the product with information.
Before purchase, customers can simply hold their smartphone close to compare the Carbon Footprint (CFP) with other products, or access persuasive information highlighting the product's appeal. After purchase, it offers various functions to avoid disposal, such as checking maintenance methods, contacting repair services, and requesting recycling collection. Moreover, its integration with the product means it cannot be lost and is easily accessible. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
【for People】例えば消費者は、商品に内蔵されているNFCタグをスキャンし、 サステナブル商品訴求ページにアクセスして商品購買の選択に活かせます。また購入後は、商品にスマホをかざすだけで、 いつでも「メンテナンス・修理・回収・廃棄方法」などの 有益な情報にアクセスできます。
【for Planet】消費者が環境により良い商品を選ぶための情報を提供します。商品ごとの環境貢献の見える化により、消費者の行動を変え、企業の行動も変えていくことにつながります。
【for Profit】企業は環境貢献につながる取り組みのコストを一方的に負うのではなく、環境配慮への取り組みを商品の価値の一つとして消費者へ訴求することができ、適切な価格設定で環境配慮商品を売ることができるようになります。また、企業は「MateRe-DPP」によって、購買後の利用に関するデータへアクセスすることが可能となり、マーケティング調査分析に生かすことができます。
"MateRe-DPP" is a product that allows consumers to choose products that are more environmentally friendly and to choose usage and disposal methods (disposal, recycling, repair, etc.) that are beneficial to the environment. This will make it easier for companies to publicize their efforts to increase sustainability when manufacturing products, and make it easier for companies to take action themselves.
[for People] For example, consumers can scan NFC tags built into products, access sustainable product promotion pages, and use this information to make product purchasing decisions. Furthermore, after purchasing, they can access useful information such as “maintenance, repair, collection, and disposal methods” at any time by simply accessing with your smartphone.
[for Planet] “MateRe-DPP” provides information to help consumers choose products that are better for the environment. Visualizing the environmental contribution of each product will change consumers’ behavior and lead to changes in corporate decision-making.
[for Profit] Companies can appeal to consumers as part of the value of their products, and can set appropriate prices for environmentally friendly initiatives. “MateRe-DPP” also allows companies to access post-purchase usage data, which can be utilized for marketing research analysis. -
日本 Japan
2023年9月〜現在 / From September 2023 to now
#ESPR #DigitalProductPassport #repairability
MateRe-DPP aims to encourage people to place greater value on sustainable products and services and to translate this into environmentally friendly actions.
The process of behavior change progresses through 'awareness → empathy → action'. However, in current Japanese society, there seems to be a situation where people are aware and empathetic, but do not take action. Moreover, change does not happen overnight; it occurs gradually over time.
To accelerate such changes, it is crucial to introduce mechanisms throughout society that promote behavioral transformation. MateRe-DPP functions as one part of these mechanisms.
Furthermore, to encourage behavior change, it is not always necessary to directly link these efforts to products. For instance, MateRe-DPP is considering a system that awards points or miles for everyday eco-friendly actions. This could create incentives, such as awarding points for purchasing upcycled products made from waste materials or actions that reduce carbon footprints.
Beyond monetary rewards, an effective approach is to use storytelling to highlight the impact of sustainable purchasing behaviors and the practice of repairing and prolonging the life of items on the world.
By actively incorporating these small mechanisms into society, we believe that incremental changes will occur, accumulating over time, and ultimately enriching people's lives for centuries to come. -
【特別賞】 「新しいパートナーシップのデザイン」として、異業種間の連携や、生活者との共創、サプライチェーン内における役割の転換など、他者との新しい協働のかたちを実現しているか?
"MateRe-DPP" is a product that opens up new relationships between companies and consumers, and at the same time strengthens supply chain cooperation in product production and serves as the basis for building highly transparent partnerships.
"MateRe-DPP" is a new system that allows consumers to easily view information related to products when selecting, using, and disposing of products (disposal, recycling, reuse). Traditionally, when consumers wanted to obtain information about a product, they had to research it themselves or go back to the product documents. Consumers of products equipped with MateRe-DPP no longer need to do so. They can access the product information whenever needed by simply reading the two-dimensional code (QR) or JAN code attached to the product with your smartphone or handheld device. This means that the relationship between companies that provide products and consumers continues beyond the point of purchase to the end of the product's lifecycle.
Furthermore, in order to provide such product information appropriately, supply chain information coordination and traceability mechanisms in the manufacturing industry are essential. It provides new opportunities for supply chains to share information more transparently.
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デジタル製品パスポート&環境貢献PRツール「MateRe-DPP」 / “MateRe - DPP”, new design for digital product passport
サービスサイト: https://digglue.com/dpp/
"MateRe-DPP" is a product developed in response to the Digital Product Passport (DPP), as part of the EU's Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation. This regulation is a focal point in the ongoing discussions about eco-design rules for sustainable products in the EU.
The hallmark of "MateRe-DPP" is its approach that goes beyond mere compliance with regulations. Conceptualized to build a sustainable relationship with consumers, it functions as a sales-enhancing promotional tool designed to highlight the appeal of products. Additionally, it facilitates the circular economy through post-purchase support including maintenance, reuse, repair, and recycling.
サービスサイト: https://digglue.com/dpp/
"MateRe-DPP" is a product developed in response to the Digital Product Passport (DPP), as part of the EU's Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation. This regulation is a focal point in the ongoing discussions about eco-design rules for sustainable products in the EU.
The hallmark of "MateRe-DPP" is its approach that goes beyond mere compliance with regulations. Conceptualized to build a sustainable relationship with consumers, it functions as a sales-enhancing promotional tool designed to highlight the appeal of products. Additionally, it facilitates the circular economy through post-purchase support including maintenance, reuse, repair, and recycling.