Big Table 「 silta 」(シルタ)
Japan is a heavily forested country with approximately 70% of its land area covered by forests. About 60% of these are naturally regenerated natural forests. Many natural forests contain hardwoods, which are known to be suitable for furniture and flooring materials. In Japan, many foreign hardwoods such as white oak and walnut are used, and examples of domestic hardwoods are still rare.
Domestic hardwoods are challenging and costly to harvest. They grow at high altitudes, with a limited volume of harvesting and an unstable supply to the market. However, in the mountainous regions of Japan, there are forests called ‘satoyama’, which are located close to people's homes. In the past, satoyama were planted with konara oak, which is used to make firewood and charcoal, and chestnuts, which are used for house foundations and food. In recent years, the number of neglected and devastated satoyama has been increasing due to depopulation in mountainous areas.
This project has three clear objectives: (1) to contribute to the control and restoration of these degraded satoyama forests and promote the use of domestic hardwoods; (2) to verify through demonstration tests that using real wood furniture in offices has a positive effect on office workers; and (3) to share the results of these demonstration tests with the world. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
【for People】
本プロジェクトでは、実在のオフィス空間において、大型テーブルの天板の材質の違い(白メラミン化粧板、木目調メラミン化粧板、クリ無垢単板クリア塗装の3種)が、ワーカーの勤務時の生理・心理面や集中力・発想力に及ぼす影響について、自社の社員を被験者とし、国の研究機関との共同研究による実証実験で科学的に検証しました。その結果、ワーカーが無垢の家具を使うことで不安感が少なく、ストレスが抑えられ、集中力や発想力の向上がみられました。 (差し替え分)
【for Planet】
【for Profit】
【for People】
In this project, we had the amazing opportunity to scientifically test the effects of different materials used for tabletops of large tables (white melamine veneer, wood grain-looking melamine veneer and clear-coated solid chestnut veneer) on the physiological and psychological aspects of workers at work and on their ability to concentrate and think. We conducted this test in a real office environment, using our own employees as test subjects, in collaboration with a national research organisation. The results showed that workers felt less anxious and less stressed when using solid furniture, which improved their ability to concentrate and think.
【for Planet】
The use of chestnut trees, which grow wild in satoyama, for the tabletop will promote the regeneration of satoyama, which are in the process of being devastated. After logging, new shoots grow from the stumps and are naturally renewed. The growth process of the new shoots increases the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed from the air. This project is expected to contribute to carbon neutrality.
【for Profit】
The chestnut trees used in ‘silta’ are logged (Iwate Prefecture), milled and dried (Akita Prefecture) and manufactured as solid veneers (Aomori Prefecture), contributing to local industries such as the forestry and timber industries in the north-eastern region of Japan. The results of the aforementioned demonstration experiment show that workers feel less anxious and less stressed when using solid furniture, which improves their ability to concentrate and think. This also indicates the potential for productivity improvements. -
#Sustainable #Design #Well-being
https://catalog.itoki.jp/series/ShowSeries.action?seriesCode=2391&_gl=1*zokq5g*_ga*MTY4ODg2NDMxNy4xNzA5MDE5OTg2*_ga_BNMBXZPSXX*MTcyOTgxNjk1MC41MS4xLjE3Mjk4MTcwMjEuNTEuMC4yMDk4MjM2NDI3 -
A significant number of Japan's satoyama are currently neglected due to factors such as depopulation. Consequently, an increasing number of these areas are experiencing a decline in condition.
The utilization of chestnut trees, which flourish in these devastated satoyama regions, as tabletops enables ‘silta’ to facilitate human interaction with the satoyama, mitigate animal damage and facilitate ecosystem regeneration. Additionally, the preservation of water sources and the enhancement of carbon dioxide absorption from the atmosphere during the growth process are also achieved. This is a great step towards carbon neutrality. -
Originally, trees in satoyama should be easy to cut down as they are located close to people's homes. However, even if they are put on the market, they are only worth about as much as logs for pulp, which is why logging is not progressing. This is causing the issue that satoyama is becoming more and more degraded. Therefore, we have been working to promote the logging of satoyama trees and increase their value by disclosing on our website that satoyama trees like ‘silta’ have value as furniture material. -
【特別賞】 「教育とストーリーテリング」あなたの取り組みは、複雑なバイオエコノミーの概念をどのようにしてわかりやすく、そして魅力的にしていますか?(日英併記)
We have revealed the entire ‘silta’ process (logging → timber market → milling and drying → surface material production → tabletop processing → painting → delivery) on our website. This has created a visible supply chain. This allows the users to understand the thoughts of the people involved in each process, such as the people who are cutting down the trees, the people who are working in the markets and lumber mills, etc. In addition, the direct feedback from users is delivered to the relevant people, which motivates them to contribute to the conservation and regeneration of the satoyama and the promotion of the use of domestic hard wood.
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Because Wood Project
The ‘silta’ big table, created as part of this project, combines the authentic 'comfort of wood' with the stunning 'beauty of long spans'. The product concept is to recreate the amazing feeling of a single solid board that brings a wonderful sense of unity to office spaces, and to create the big table that supports workers’ wellbeing at work. The product's simple, dynamic design is achieved with just a tabletop and legs. The tabletop is crafted from Japanese chestnut, a tree that grows naturally in Japan. This not only makes the product a beautiful addition to any office space, but it also contributes to sustainable material procurement and the prevention of the deterioration of ‘satoyama (undeveloped woodland area near a village)‘.
Moreover, the ‘silta’ big table, which has become a symbol of the office, has the tactile feel of solid furniture. Our own empirical experiments have demonstrated that the warmth of the wood tends to reduce workers’ stress and improve concentration. Furthermore, the large tabletops are divided into sizes that can be carried in a standard elevator, making them easy to transport. Thanks to their distinctive tabletop configuration that can be assembled on site to ensure strength, they can be installed in office buildings where the installation of large solid tables has previously been a challenge.
The ‘silta’ big table, created as part of this project, combines the authentic 'comfort of wood' with the stunning 'beauty of long spans'. The product concept is to recreate the amazing feeling of a single solid board that brings a wonderful sense of unity to office spaces, and to create the big table that supports workers’ wellbeing at work. The product's simple, dynamic design is achieved with just a tabletop and legs. The tabletop is crafted from Japanese chestnut, a tree that grows naturally in Japan. This not only makes the product a beautiful addition to any office space, but it also contributes to sustainable material procurement and the prevention of the deterioration of ‘satoyama (undeveloped woodland area near a village)‘.
Moreover, the ‘silta’ big table, which has become a symbol of the office, has the tactile feel of solid furniture. Our own empirical experiments have demonstrated that the warmth of the wood tends to reduce workers’ stress and improve concentration. Furthermore, the large tabletops are divided into sizes that can be carried in a standard elevator, making them easy to transport. Thanks to their distinctive tabletop configuration that can be assembled on site to ensure strength, they can be installed in office buildings where the installation of large solid tables has previously been a challenge.