岡山県中山間地に位置する津山市では古くから上質な美作桧・美作杉が活用され、木工技術や杢を選別する鋭い感性を培ってきました。こうした技術を活かして美作地域の豊かな資源と現代の暮らしの橋渡しを目指し、津山市内の5社が協業して美作桧・杉の美しい木肌を活かした家具ブランド、TSUYAMA FURNITUREを立ち上げました。
Tsuyama City, located in the mid-mountainous region of Okayama Prefecture, has long utilized high-quality Mimasaka cypress and Mimasaka cedar, and has cultivated woodworking techniques. We have developed woodworking techniques and a keen sense for selecting the right wood grain to create furniture that bridges the gap between the rich resources of the Mimasaka region and modern lifestyles. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
The issues related to forests in Japan are very diverse. Among them, the utilization of softwoods is a very important topic to regenerate neglected mountains and create a new resource cycle. However, although softwoods are often used as building materials, they are unfamiliar as furniture, and nowadays few people even know the difference between Japanese cypress and Japanese cedar. In order to change this situation little by little, we have created furniture that is adapted to Japanese housing conditions so that people can appreciate the quality of softwood materials. We believe that by learning about the materials and having people experience and use them, we can help the circulation of forests, which in turn will improve the global environment. -
Japanese lumber is losing out to foreign lumber in the price competition, and under the principle of price competition, it will be difficult to increase the use of domestic lumber. However, we will review the value that is not price, and make efforts to have people empathize with the story of Japanese forestry and coniferous trees so that consumers will be aware and have a viewpoint to use environmentally friendly products even if they are expensive. -
The first step is to have people touch Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress and experience the quality of their bark. We hope that this will start with getting people to know the materials and have a positive impression of them, and then help them understand the challenges and advantages of the Japanese forests that lie behind them. -
【特別賞】 「教育とストーリーテリング」あなたの取り組みは、複雑なバイオエコノミーの概念をどのようにしてわかりやすく、そして魅力的にしていますか?(日英併記)
We hold exhibitions and workshops to communicate that the use of softwoods is very good for Japan's forests, along with forest issues.
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TSUYAMA FURNITUREは、2019年、行政(津山市)の主導により設立されました。その目的は、「開かれた地域ブランド」を構築すること。津山市の特産の杉や桧を材料に、行政、デザイナー、そして市内に拠点を置く木工メーカーが手を携え、ここでしか生み出せない家具をプロデュースしていきます。また、家具を通して、津山市の木材のことを知っていただき、持続可能な未来を築いていきます。