廃材からファッションに!新しい価値観の提案『yoccatta TOKYO ヨカッタトーキョー』の取り組みTurning waste materials into fashion! Proposing values for a new era yoccatta TOKYO’s initiatives
「事故に遭わずエアバッグが作動しないままでヨカッタ!」「エアバッグを再利用できてよかったヨカッタ!」 感謝の気持ちから始まったこのプロジェクトですが、進めていくうちに繊維業界と、我々自身の「作って、売る」姿勢に疑問を持つようになりました。エアバッグ技師たちの姿勢に応えるには、こちらも今までと同じやり方はできない。利益を追求するだけの商品企画にならないようにすること、ファッション商品としての品質を維持することを考えるようになりました。
*NO Virgin MATERIAL・全てがバージン素材でなくても良い
In 2014, we met automotive airbag engineers.‘We don’t want safety technology to be used!’ ‘Unused airbags which protected our lives are thrown away!’We were shocked when they told us, because we took safety for granted.
After hearing their voices, we developed an appreciation for this precious work that protects our lives.
Then, we grasped the fact that airbags and seatbelts (fiber material) couldn’t reuse.
*Launching a brand
The vision of our brand is to rebirth discarded airbags through the power of fashion.
‘Thank goodness, I’m safe and the airbags remained unused!’‘Thank goodness, we can reuse the airbags!’ Yoccatta means ‘thank goddess’. Thus, yoccatta TOKYO has the meaning of preciousness and gratitude.
This project started out of gratitude, but as we proceeded, we began to question the textile industry and our own make and sell attitude.
In response to automotive airbag engineers’ attitude, we started looking for new ways.
We began to think about avoiding product planning that only pursues profit and maintaining quality as a fashion product.
*Transparency of production background, yoccatta’s ethical try
We believe that transparency of the production background is significant, so we have decided to show important things that we have been turning away from under the title of yoccatta's ethical try.
Accordingly, we began to view discarded airbags as Japanese industrial waste.
We have switched overseas production to domestic production and started to manage leftover fabrics.
(As for nylon airbags, chemical recycling started this year so that leftover fabrics can be recycled without throwing them away.)
*Producing in solidarity with different industries, cooperation with a welfare workshop
Cooperation with a welfare workshop (Auto parts factory where persons with mental retardation work) for handwork to disassemble and flatten discarded airbags.In this way, we have created our own production system in solidarity with different industries of automobile dismantling plant, welfare workshop, and fashion.Work in the welfare workshop plays an essential role in the creation of products, mainly manual labor.This is named soleil project.
*NO Virgin MATERIAL Not everything has to be virgin material.
Why don’t fashion industry utilize recycled materials including waste as materials?With this message, this activity aims to create a society in which fiber-to-fiber recycling is possible.First of all, yoccatta TOKYO hopes to dispel the negative image of waste materials and leftover fabrics through the power of fashion. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
For People
また、福祉工場との関わりのほかに、脳梗塞で片麻痺になった人達をまとめる一般社団法人「脳フェス」実行委員会とも連携しています。脳フェス実行委員会のおかげで、“片手でも使いやすい”バックパック『SIDE MY LIFE』を開発することができました。
For planet
For profit
For people
*‘I don't believe it was waste materials!’ We make full use of design to make people think so.
Yoccatta TOKYO was started by a fashion designer following the thoughts of automotive airbag engineers. Ethical principles are important, but first of all, we would like people to simply enjoy our products as fashion.
‘Thank goodness, I’m safe and the airbags remained unused!’And we hope that people realize that safety is not something to be taken for granted while using our products.
There is a reason for the price, whether the product is expensive or inexpensive.Mass production, low wages, scarcity, craftsmanship, status... but yoccatta TOKYO has a reason of a different quality.We would like people to share the story behind the product, along with the design, visually and emotionally.
In addition to our involvement with the welfare workshop, we also collaborated with the Noufes executive committee, a general incorporated association that brings together people who have hemiplegia due to cerebral infarction.
Thanks to the Noufes Executive Committee, we were able to develop SIDE MY LIFE backpack, which is easy to use with one hand.We will transmit our message not only to able-bodied persons, but also to every persons.
For planet
*Fashion without virgin materials
Terrestrial resources means considering discarded industrial products that are already around us as resources. On the other hand, virgin materials use energy because they are produced from underground resources. It can be said that yoccatta TOKYO is a project to revive (regenerate) terrestrial resources with the power of fashion.
Above all, by reusing airbags, incineration can be avoided and CO2 emissions can be reduced.In addition, we do not produce our products overseas, where cutting scraps are out of our control, and we try to recycle the scraps domestically.The ethical significance of “not taking Japanese industrial waste out of the country” is also a concept we hold dear. By producing domestically, the transportation distance was greatly reduced (from 6,000 km to 1,500 km) and CO2 emissions were reduced. Not turning away from what is important, like these initiatives, is yoccatta’s ethical try.We do not take a conventional production process that only pursues profit, although it directly affects the cost of our products. This is because we value the invisible value behind our products.
For profit
*Profit from having high sensitivity and new values in spite of waste materials.
Fashion in the 20th century has been profitable because of the value of good looks and scarcity.Therefore, the word recycled has an image of being inferior in terms of fashion, which is a disadvantageous point.
At yoccatta TOKYO, we incorporate the thoughts of safety, recycling of waste mate, and welfare as values into the design of our products. In this way, we values invisible richness.Will this be recognized as a new value? Will our products be profitable? We are currently experimenting.
That is the reason why we are a commercial company and not a non-profit organization.
We believe that the gradual increase in sales may be a sign that the number of people with high quality of what they seek who are sensitive to fashion and social issues is beginning to increase. -
#Fashion #Scrap #Vein
【特別賞】 「教育とストーリーテリング」あなたの取り組みは、複雑なバイオエコノミーの概念をどのようにしてわかりやすく、そして魅力的にしていますか?(日英併記)
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廃材からファッションに!新しい価値観の提案『yoccatta TOKYO ヨカッタトーキョー』の取り組み
廃棄エアバッグをアップサイクルするyoccatta TOKYO ヨカッタトーキョー
Upcycling discarded airbags yoccatta TOKYO
We breathe new life into discarded airbags and seatbelts.
In addition, we have established a production system in solidarity with different industries, such as a welfare workshop.
By incorporating what is important to us without turning away from reality, we hope to create a new path for fashion that will change consumer attitudes.
Upcycling discarded airbags yoccatta TOKYO
We breathe new life into discarded airbags and seatbelts.
In addition, we have established a production system in solidarity with different industries, such as a welfare workshop.
By incorporating what is important to us without turning away from reality, we hope to create a new path for fashion that will change consumer attitudes.