資源循環型コーヒー焙煎所 ATARAO
About 13 years ago, when I was practicing latte art at a part-time job in a café, I saw a pile of coffee grounds and kept thinking about what I could do with them.
First, in order to make powdered coffee grounds easier to use while enhancing the well-known deodorizing and deodorizing effects, I devised a method to solidify coffee grounds using only their components, without using any adhesives or other agents. (Patented)
The coffee blocks were then subjected to a fuel analysis test, and the test results were very positive for “burning,” with a higher calorific value than that of firewood or wood pellets.
After confirming that the coffee blocks actually functioned as fuel by burning them, we decided to use the “heat” generated by burning the coffee blocks to roast coffee.
The ashes produced after roasting the coffee are also used as soil conditioner and glaze material for pottery.
Compared to charcoal, coffee blocks require less energy to produce, and can be produced in urban areas where coffee grounds are abundant, minimizing the energy and cost of transportation.
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審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
for People
for Planet
for Profit
for People
Coffee grounds are produced in large quantities on a daily basis, and the “mixing with resin to produce a new product” method that has become common in recent years is unable to handle recycling in a cyclical manner.
We are a coffee roasting plant that has made recycling a cornerstone of our business by utilizing coffee grounds as energy for roasting and reusing them each time they are roasted.
for Planet
Coffee is usually roasted using “gas,” a resource that is imported by ship from overseas, sometimes drilled over 6,000 meters, and refined in huge plants to make it usable.
We also realize “local production for local consumption” by using coffee grounds, an unused resource, as energy for roasting.
The ash from the coffee block combustion can be used as a soil conditioner and to control the occurrence of pests and diseases, thus contributing to agriculture.
for Profit
This roasting plant has created an effective system to use up coffee grounds, which used to be thrown away as a matter of course, even if they are turned into ashes.
We present one “solution” that solves continuous recycling through a mechanism without changing consumer behavior. -
#coffee #resource #circulation
We collect coffee grounds that are thrown away every day by our own hands and produce coffee blocks (solid fuel).
The coffee blocks are then burned and the heat is used to roast the coffee.
The ash generated from the combustion is also reused as a soil conditioner and glaze material.
Coffee grounds are solidified by applying pressure and heat, burned, and the resulting ashes are returned to the soil.
Everything that happens here is a physical phenomenon in nature, a new cycle created by the fusion of natural forces and human knowledge. -
Coffee has been consumed for 350 years. It is loved around the world, and it is said that as many as 2.5 billion cups of coffee are consumed in a day.
This new system is designed to optimally incorporate coffee grounds, which are produced every time coffee is consumed, into the production of coffee as an unused resource.
In addition, we will contribute to the recovery and stabilization of the eco-system by conducting our business in a sustainable manner with quality and the environment at the center of our operations, such as by giving priority to coffee beans grown through regenerative agriculture. -
【特別賞】 「教育とストーリーテリング」あなたの取り組みは、複雑なバイオエコノミーの概念をどのようにしてわかりやすく、そして魅力的にしていますか?(日英併記)
Coffee is loved around the world and is familiar to people all over the world.
Coffee grounds are inevitably produced when coffee is made.
The coffee grounds are solidified and used as fuel, and the ashes are also used up after combustion.
This new cycle will be expanded in the future by selling vegetables from farms that use the ashes and by selling handmade pottery from glazes.
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