メルカリ・ヤクルト山陽・安芸高田市・三次市による”三方よし”のリユース推進を目指す実証実験 Mercari, Yakult Sanyo, Akitakata City, and Miyoshi City Joint "Three-Way Satisfaction" Reuse Promotion Pilot Project
Mercari, which operates a flea market service, is aiming to realize a circular economy where limited resources are used with care by pursuing to be a "Planet-Positive" company that contributes to the environment and society through its business. As part of these efforts, Mercari has collaborated with about 50 municipalities to sell still-usable bulky waste and supplies through "Mercari Shops," achieving record sales in the first half of fiscal year 2024 with over 3,000 items sold and sales exceeding 5 million yen.
On the other hand, challenges have arisen regarding the sustainability of activities due to labor costs associated with the collection and sale of unwanted goods, as well as storage space post-collection, necessitating a more sustainable collection and sales model to promote reuse. This current initiative aims to overcome these challenges and create a new model case that promotes the circulation of unwanted goods within the region. To do this, Mercari has started a demonstration experiment to create a win-win-win system in collaboration with Yakult Sanyo, Hiroshima Prefecture’s Akitakata City, and the same Miyoshi City by utilizing the delivery system and sales offices of regionally focused companies like Yakult Sanyo. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
For People:このプロジェクトを通じてメルカリの利用者が地域内のまだ使えるものを安価に手に入れることができる。
For Planet:地域内でのリユースが促進され、ごみ処理に関する自治体の負担を軽減し、究極的にはごみ最終処分場の確保などの問題に貢献することができる
For Proft:
This project aims to establish a model case that transcends administrative and corporate boundaries to promote reuse within the region. Starting in the Hiroshima area, the goal is to create a meaningful success story for local government, residents, Yakult Sanyo, and Mercari, and eventually expand the framework to other regions.
The project involves collecting "still usable" unwanted items within the community through three methods via Yakult Sanyo's local offices, as outlined below:
In-store collection at offices: Accepting drop-offs of "still usable" unwanted household items from local residents at two offices in Hiroshima Prefecture.
Home collection by Yakult Ladies: For those who don’t have an office nearby or cannot bring in items themselves, Yakult Ladies will conduct home collections.
Collection of "still usable" unwanted items from Akitakata City and Miyoshi City: Selecting and reusing items that are still usable from unwanted supplies owned by both cities or items brought to clean centers.
The benefits are as follows:
For People: Mercari users can obtain "still usable" items from within the community at low costs through this project.
For Planet: Promoting reuse within the region helps reduce the municipality's burden related to waste management and ultimately contributes to issues like securing final waste disposal sites.
For Profit:
Government and local residents: Establishing a new channel for distributing still usable supplies and bulky waste to local residents, reducing the burden of listing and storing items.
Yakult Sanyo: Transforming offices into community-friendly spaces by offering a new service as "recycling hubs for unwanted items." Yakult Ladies act as touchpoints for collecting unwanted items from residents and customers, realizing a pull-type sales style. Ultimately contributes to the corporate philosophy of creating "enjoyable living."
Mercari: Creating a new model case for selling bulky waste and supplies in collaboration with municipalities and regions, aiming to realize a circular economy. -
#CircularEconomy, #Reuse, #Sustainability
【特別賞】 「教育とストーリーテリング」あなたの取り組みは、複雑なバイオエコノミーの概念をどのようにしてわかりやすく、そして魅力的にしていますか?(日英併記)
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