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This is one of my designs for the Youfab Macdesign contest. I’m really excited to enter! I’ve never entered a design contest like this before. I wholeheartedly believe that good things come to those who work hard, so I really tried my best. I went through a lot of designs in my brainstorming stage, and honestly, most of them actually started out as doodles. I tend to be my most creative when I’m freely doodling and a lot of it turns out to be some of my best work. I really fell in love with a lot of the things I came up with, and after a long, selective process, I finally picked a few. Some of which are cool, some of which are just plain weird but all of which I personally like. I checked out some of the other entries, and I have to say, some of them are really cool! There’s a lot of great competition. All I can do is put my best foot forward and hope for the best. I had a lot of fun drawing these doodles and I really hope the judges like my work! Like any hardworking student, I could really use that prize! I’ve never had my very own computer before and for someone in college, that would definitely come in handy—I wouldn’t have to spend such long hours in the public lab anymore!

This was a semi-spontaneous design. I came up with it last night, and sketched it really fast before I forgot it! Originally, it only had one candle, but as I drew, I changed it to two since it looked cooler to me. I've also really been into Art Nouveau lately, which is probably why the fire is all swirly like that.For days, I had been trying to draw a really good picture with candles as a theme. From a visual standpoint, I love candles! I think they're really cool and they look so pretty in a drawing or a photograph. The words are random words that came into my head as I doodled the original. They sounded so pretty and mysterious!
