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Light Play

Light Play is a kinetic art installation of 84 individually addressable delta robot arms built from 3D printed parts. Each robot is made from bright yellow florescent filament and equipped with a colored LED on its end effector. The collective can be choreographed to preform complex patterns of motion and light, or they can additionally be controlled by a single user’s physical gestures, responding to motion like an extension of the body.

The robots are networked together using the DMX serial protocol and can be controlled with several different input sensors, like the Kinect, Leap, and computer vision. The purpose of the installation is to give those who interact with the robots the sensation that they are intimately controlling a personal army of mechanical minions.

The development of the project from early concept to its completion was carried out by creators Sarah Petkus and Mark Koch. It started in Sarah’s illustrations and later took on the physical form of a functioning robot. To fund the production of the many robots that make up the installation, the design of the robot was offered as a kit on Kickstarter. For every kit sent to a supporter, they were able to afford adding another unit to the installation.

The project is in a constant state of development, as the creators are always experimenting with interactivity and new ways to control their robotic brood.
