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Kelvin Block + 3D Assembler

それに対して、本システムでは、切頂八面体を形状とし、各面に独自の接続機構を組み込んだ「Kelvin Block」を、「3D Assembler」により自動で組み立てることで三次元の造形を行います。一部のブロックを分解することや、さらにブロックを付け足すことで、造形後も形状の変更を自由に行うことができる点が特徴です。従来の一方向的で不可逆な造形方法に対して、こうした造形方法がもたらす新たな可能性を探索します。

I propose the new concept of digital fabrication system that can be built reconfigurable 3D model through assembling a kind of block “Kelvin Block” by the machine “3D Assembler”.
Through the 3D printer became widely used, we were able to make 3D models easily, however, no matter how advanced technologically in 3D printing, we can’t build the reconfigurable 3D models. When we failed printing or we want to change the shape after building, we have to print again from the start.
On the other hand, if using my system, we can build the reconfigurable 3D objects by assembling Kelvin Blocks automatically by 3D Assembler. Through disassembling or assembling additionally, we can change the shape freely after building. We will explore the possibility of my system in a various situations.
