• 761

The Penis Wall

The Penis Wall is a kinetic sculpture consists of 81 erectable 3D printed penises that can respond to viewers movements, or dance to a music, or visualize any dataset, for instance, the fluctuations in the stock market.
The penis is so different! This was my initial motivation, to study one of the oldest and probably the most attractive thing that humans interact with.
The installation is made up of 81 stereolithography 3D printed penises that each has six segments driven by a servo motor. Equipped with sensors and circuit boards, it has three modes:
(1). Interactive Mode. The installation can detect viewers’ body movements via 81 ultrasonic distance sensors, and erect penises in corresponding area.
(2). Data Visualization Mode. Each penis can be used as one pixel in a 'penis display' to visualize any dataset. Currently, each penis is linked to one stock in the S&P 100 Dow Jones Index, so the whole installation can visualize fluctuations in the United States stock market.
(3). Music Mode. The installation can be pre-programed to dance to any music. Our customized software can adjust all penises' speed and amplitude to synchronize their movements/patterns with the music.
