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"Physical Measuring access to Digital Design"
In recent years 3D printers have noticed as the manufacturing tools that anyone can use easily. On the other hand, it is a little difficult for beginners to take its advantage because it requires knowledge of digital design.
PhysitalMeasure (Physical-Digital Measure) is a system to support the 3D digital design for the novice. Measuring the box in the real world by using the interface, it enables us easily to create 3D data the same size of the box. Outputting the data in 3D printer after that, we can get another same box in the rial world.
"Measuring" has been generally performed in the manufacturing work so far. Thus, it provides users the intuitive experience that access to the digital world smoothly through by the common tools of measure.
In the future, everyone would can freely to make something per their each purpose in daily life if this system is developed. Although this is a conceptual system yet, I hope that it'll become a new proposal of collaborative design between the process of tailor-made and the technology of digital fabrication.

近年3Dプリンタは誰でも容易にものづくり可能なツールとして注目を集めています。一方で、活用するにはデジタルデザインの知識が必要であり初心者にとってはやや困難なことです。PhysitalMeasure(Physical-Digital Measure)は初心者のユーザに向けた3Dデジタルデザインを支援するシステムです。メジャー型インタフェースで実世界の物体を採寸することにより、同サイズのボックスの3Dデータが簡単に作成でき、3Dプリンタで出力すると採寸した通りの物体が得られます。「採寸」はこれまでのものづくりでも一般的に行われてきた作業であり、メジャーという日常道具を介して直感的にデジタルとつながる体験をユーザに提供します。
