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Baotaz - Living the planet as an interconnected mind

Baotaz is a wearable technology and a technologically augmented sense-ability.
Designed as an installation and a vibrant helmet, BAOTAZ aims to be an immersive experience in which data, relationships, and emotions generated by our interconnected lives in the public space will be felt on our bodies.

In the age of Hyperconnectivity, human beings are exposed to huge amounts of data and information. This has critical implications for the ways in which they learn, work, relate, communicate, express, and also on their psychological, emotional and cultural condition.
Humanity is still not ready to become sensible to these large volumes of information, to make sense of it. And, in fact, trying to confront with these issues is among the most pressing problems for designers, engineers, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and anthropologists all over the world.
In all of this, digital devices have become an extension of our own bodies and minds, as we progressively mediate our expressions, thoughts, relations, learning processes and work through smartphones, wearable devices, smart and interconnected objects and appliances in our rooms, homes, offices and architectures.
What would happen if these devices continued to progressively move closer to our bodies, eventually merging into them?
What would be the benefits, critical issues, legal issues, philosophical implications, cultural and anthropological shifts deriving from such transformation and tendencies?
These are the questions which we confronted with when we set forth in creating BAOTAZ, an augmented sense: a wearable, interconnected device whose objective is to create a new, augmented, sensoriality; a new tactility which is able to materialise on our skin a sensibility to data-driven phenomena of arbitrary complexity.
