Textile sample (50x11cm)
Textile sample (50x11cm)
Textile sample (110x25cm)
Textile sample (110x50cm)
Sensory Pleasure
Sensory Pleasure
This experimental textile design has been developed by hacking the known traditional product of "chirimen" with modern technology. Japanese textile industry is facing various problem such as environmental issue and ageing society to having difficulty to establish next generation, and this fact is also apply to Tango region where tango chirimen manufactures. I find Chirimen has a great potential as material to be transformed into another textile design beyond stereotyped image, and by doing this proposing initiation in a sustainable way, I believe craftsman will be inspired and the whole industry gradually revitalises with people outside of the region.
本プロジェクトは、縮緬生地製造の過程で破棄される部分を有効活用するよう開発している。例えば臼井織物株式会社では、織機の構造上、一反製織するために2ヤード程度が余剰に作られてしまう。これに加え、わずかなキズや汚れがあれば出荷できずに産業廃棄物として処分されることとなる。Sensory Pleasureで提案する制作方法では、レーザーカットでカットするため、このような小さな汚れは見えなくなり、本来ならば処分されるような部分に対しても高付加価値を与えることが可能である。また、技術的にもシンプルな手法であるため、各生産者へ手法を共有することにより、少しでも廃棄物量を減らす解決方法として浸透することが期待できる。
This is a sustainable project using discarded part of the textile. Likewise other industry, chirimen requires quite a little amount of waste to manufacture it. For instance at Usui Orimono, approximate 2 yards of fabric is wasted due to its production system of looms, additionally, a unit of fabric will be dumped if it has any small damage and stain. Sensory Pleasure does not ask superb piece, as it uses laser cutting method and small damages will not be seen once it's been treated. Even small pieces can be used for this way of making and add alternative value on to it. I expect that this way can be recognised by craftsman in the industry and reduce textile waste as much as possible.