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The Hayat tree is also known as the Kalpataru tree. Kalpataru comes from the root word 'kalp' which means 'want or 'wish', a tree that can grant all desires of humans who worship it. Kalpataru comes from the word 'kalpa' which means 'world age', a very long period, i.e. the period between creation and the error of the world, and, 'taru' which means 'tree'. The problem of the Kalpataru tree in general is well known, both through Old Javanese manuscripts, namely the Kakawin Ramayana Book, Negarakertagama Book, and Kuncarakarna Dharmakathana, as well as from sources in the form of inscriptions, namely the Yupa Inscription in East Kalimantan, the Puhsarang Inscription, the Long Grave and the Timang Inscription. Other sources that describe the picture of the Kalpataru tree are also found in temple reliefs, for example at Prambanan Temple, Plaosan Temple, Mendut Temple, Pawon Temple, Borobudur Temple, Jago Temple and the Islamic Cemetery of Sendang Dhuwur.
The tree of life that stores many structures and ecosystem systems that naturally continuously creates new hegemony over the natural order that is often changed and changed by humans.

Title: Andum Tuntum, Material: Lantana Camara, Size: 8 m x 15 m x 1,5 m, Year: 2018

Title: Pregnant Goro-Goro, Material: Lantana Camara, Size: 12 m x 5 m x 10 m, Year: 2018

Title: Siwaratri, Material: Bamboo, Size: Variable size, Year: 2018

Title: Moonditation, Material: Bamboo, Size: 6 m x 6 m x 6 m, Year: 2018
