Neutral space and inactive characters
Space transformed by depression
Space transformed by anxiety
Out of Sight
Out of Sight
México ocupa el segundo lugar en discriminación hacia las personas con trastornos de salud mental y una parte significativa de la población mexicana padece de algún trastorno psicológico (Camhaji, 2018). Particularmente, en adolescentes, alrededor de 24.7% han sido afectados por al menos un problema de salud mental. Entre los trastornos más comunes que se presentan en este segmento de la población están los trastornos de depresión y ansiedad.
La discriminación que se vive en el país es resultado del prejuicio y del estigma que existe en la sociedad, presente en la comunidad debido a siglos de incomprensión y falta de conocimiento sobre el tema de salud mental. El trato que se le daba en el pasado a pacientes con trastornos psicológicos afectó la percepción que tiene hoy la gente sobre el tema, generando prejuicios que desembocaron en la construcción de estigmas sociales. Más aún, la intangibilidad de los trastornos es en gran parte culpable de la generación de prejuicios y estigmas ya que la gente difícilmente comprende lo que no puede ver.
Partiendo de lo anteriormente mencionado, se encontró una oportunidad de diseño para aportar positivamente a la problemática, simplificar conceptos, plasmarlos de manera visual para lograr que exista una mayor comprensión de los trastornos mentales. Así pues, nace OUT OF SIGHT, un proyecto que tiene como objetivo el volver tangibles de manera gráfica y espacial los trastornos psicológicos más significativos para sensibilizar a la población.
Como resultado final se muestra el diseño de una marca, una marca que representa la parte central del proyecto, una realidad virtual semi-inmersiva. En esta se expone al espectador a diferentes escenarios y personajes que buscan representar los trastornos de ansiedad y depresión con la intención de llegar a generar una mayor comprensión de éstos. Así mismo, como parte de la marca también se presentan una serie de productos que servirán como mercancía para aportar al reconocimiento de marca y a la conexión del cliente con la marca para que éste se sienta identificado con ella.
"Symptoms were OUT OF SIGHT, Anxiety was OUT OF SIGHT, Depression was OUT OF SIGHT... until now” -
Mexico ranks second in discrimination against people with mental health disorders and a significant part of the Mexican population suffers from psychological disorders (Camhaji, 2018). Particularly in adolescents, around 24.7% have been affected by at least one mental health problem. Among the most common disorders that occur in this segment of the population are depression and anxiety.
The discrimination that exists in the country is the result of the prejudice and stigma that exists in society, present in the community due to centuries of misunderstanding and lack of knowledge on the subject of mental health. The negligent and poor treatment that was given in the past to patients with psychological disorders affected the perception that people have on the subject today, generating prejudices that led to the construction of social stigmas.
Furthermore, the intangibility of the disorders is blameworthy for the generation of prejudice and stigma as people hardly understand what they cannot see.
Based on the aforementioned, a design opportunity was found to contribute positively to the problem; simplify concepts, translate them visually to achieve a greater understanding of mental disorders. Thus, OUT OF SIGHT was born, a project that aims to make the most significant psychological disorders tangible in a graphic and spatial way in order to sensitize the population.
As a final result, the design of a brand is shown, a brand that represents the central part of the project, a semi-immersive virtual reality. In this, the viewer is exposed to different settings and characters that seek to represent anxiety and depression disorders with the intention of generating a greater understanding of them. Likewise, as part of the brand, a series of products are also presented that will serve as merchandise to contribute to brand recognition and the connection of the clients with the brand so that they feel identified with it.
"Symptoms were OUT OF SIGHT, Anxiety was OUT OF SIGHT, Depression was OUT OF SIGHT ... until now" -
Out of sight es una marca que representa a un proyecto que busca que espectador viva una experiencia de cambio. Presenta una realidad virtual semi-inversiva en la cual la persona se ve expuesta a un espacio el cual se transforma al momento en que ciertos personajes cobran vida en la realidad virtual, buscando representar de manera visual los trastornos de la depresión y la ansiedad. Se busca poner al espectador en los zapatos de alguien que vive con algún trastorno para que puedan empatizar y de esta manera aportar a la comprensión y desestigmatización del tema. Así mismo, como parte de la marca existen una serie de productos; bolsas, libretas, pelotas antiestrés, stickers que se pretende sean mercancía que contribuya al reconocimiento y lealtad del cliente con la marca.
Out of sight is a brand that represents a project that seeks for the viewer to live a life changing experience. It exhibits a semi-invertive virtual reality in which the person is exposed to a space which transforms when certain characters come to life inside the virtual reality, seeking to visually represent depression and anxiety disorders. It intends to put the viewer in the shoes of someone who lives with a disorder, so in that way they can empathize and contribute to the understanding and destigmatization of the subject. Likewise, as part of the brand there are a series of products; bags, notebooks, stress balls, stickers that are intended to be merchandise that contributes to the recognition and loyalty of the client with the brand.
"OUT OF SIGHT" intends to make a change in how society perceives mental disorders, the goal is to create understanding on the topic and reduce stigma towards it. This is a social issue that affects people all around the world, it is certainly important to contribute on the issue, try and make a change. Nobody that is living with a mental disorder should feel like they are alone, misunderstood, constantly left out, unworthy, etc. This project came to change that, by simplifying the concepts of anxiety and depression in a visual way through space and character design in a semi-immersive virtual reality. Intending for people to step in to the world of someone with a mental disorder, and make them understand that the mental disorder and the person are not the same. Now imagine, this is only the start. What if more characters and environments were to be created to give a visual representation of many of the other mental disorders out there for them to be simplified and comprehended as well? Wouldn't it be amazing?