This project aims to create a new, mutually beneficial system that allows the general public to understand how gaze estimation AI works through games, and at the same time allows researchers to use the datasets they have built with the understanding of users. The study of gaze estimation requires face images taken with the consent of the participants, but this is a time-consuming process that lacks diversity in participants and environments, and although the public has heard of AI, they have little understanding of how it works. When we conducted field research on both sides, we found that there was a big gap between them. This project, AICOM, is an attempt to bridge this gap and create new opportunities through the power of design.
86cm (W) x 60cm ( L)x 60cm( h)
使用素材 プラスチック板、アクリル板、アルミ、タブレット、高画質カメラ等。 -
- 71
東京大学生産技術研究所DLX Design Labと、視線推定技術の開発を行っている同研究所の菅野研究室が共同で行っているこのプロジェクトでは、研究者側がAI研究を進める上で必要不可欠なデータ収集過程をゲーム化することで広く一般に開かれたものにすることを実現しながら、参加者側もAIや機械学習技術を学びながらデータが必要とされる理由や目的を理解できるような、相互にとって意義のある仕組みをデザインすることが目的になっています。
The alternative science communication design for democratising the latest AI research by dataset generation game and co-creation workshop
The AICOM project aims to create better communication between scientists and local communities for democratising latest AI technologies and building the future society together.AICOM provides a new gamified experience for collecting training datasets required for developing gaze estimation models. Two players are paired up during the game. One player looks at a character on a transparent board, and the second player has to guess which character the other player is looking at. They will compete with each other while enjoying the face to face communication during the game.
The player’s face images are recorded during the game, and the face images with their corresponding gaze direction annotation will be saved as a part of the dataset after the game. Such a large and diverse image dataset will contribute to gaze estimation research.Unlike previous data collection schemes, the AICOM project will also provide a workshop session after the game experience, to create a better understanding of the technology and imagine the future of AI together. Using the tools designed for the workshop, participants will think together about their own new AI ideas based on the game and lecture experience. AICOM is a collaboration project with the Sugano lab at IIS, which researches artificial intelligence and machine learning as a leading expert in gaze estimation.
Dataset collection is a common bottleneck of AI research. Instead of the data set has been recorded in shadow, we would like to provide an opportunity, users can understand the process of the dataset generation, at the same time AI researchers can receive the benefit to gain better data sets which will help their latest AI research. We would like to provide an opportunity for better understanding and positive inspirations of the latest AI researches and increase the number of people in society who would like to make their own AIs. We are hoping to create communication and engagement between the researchers and local people for fostering advanced AI technologies and building a better society together.
東京大学生産技術研究所DLX Design Labと、視線推定技術の開発を行っている同研究所の菅野研究室が共同で行っているこのプロジェクトでは、研究者側がAI研究を進める上で必要不可欠なデータ収集過程をゲーム化することで広く一般に開かれたものにすることを実現しながら、参加者側もAIや機械学習技術を学びながらデータが必要とされる理由や目的を理解できるような、相互にとって意義のある仕組みをデザインすることが目的になっています。
The alternative science communication design for democratising the latest AI research by dataset generation game and co-creation workshop
The AICOM project aims to create better communication between scientists and local communities for democratising latest AI technologies and building the future society together.AICOM provides a new gamified experience for collecting training datasets required for developing gaze estimation models. Two players are paired up during the game. One player looks at a character on a transparent board, and the second player has to guess which character the other player is looking at. They will compete with each other while enjoying the face to face communication during the game.
The player’s face images are recorded during the game, and the face images with their corresponding gaze direction annotation will be saved as a part of the dataset after the game. Such a large and diverse image dataset will contribute to gaze estimation research.Unlike previous data collection schemes, the AICOM project will also provide a workshop session after the game experience, to create a better understanding of the technology and imagine the future of AI together. Using the tools designed for the workshop, participants will think together about their own new AI ideas based on the game and lecture experience. AICOM is a collaboration project with the Sugano lab at IIS, which researches artificial intelligence and machine learning as a leading expert in gaze estimation.
Dataset collection is a common bottleneck of AI research. Instead of the data set has been recorded in shadow, we would like to provide an opportunity, users can understand the process of the dataset generation, at the same time AI researchers can receive the benefit to gain better data sets which will help their latest AI research. We would like to provide an opportunity for better understanding and positive inspirations of the latest AI researches and increase the number of people in society who would like to make their own AIs. We are hoping to create communication and engagement between the researchers and local people for fostering advanced AI technologies and building a better society together.