Analytics of Ambient
Ambient Recording
Analytics Program
System of "Analytics of Ambient"
Work Title
Analytics of Ambient
Work Title(EN)
Analytics of Ambient
Please describe the concept of your artwork in 2000 words.
音という誰しもが取り扱える素材を発想のスタート地点とすることで、世に眠る可能性を掘り起こし領域に囚われない様々なプレイヤーたちが玉石混交となり新たなるクリエイティブカオスの創出を目指します。 -
Please describe the concept of your artwork in 2000 words. (EN)
Since 2019, we have been investigating the correlation between sound, form, and impression, and have been working to make it practical.
As a result of this research, we have developed a tool to analyze the atmosphere through the sound field.
The information we receive when we are in a sound field environment contains bias information as noise through personal memory, which is more complex than words, so it is easy to lose a common language and cause discommunication without reaching an image match. Since it is difficult to evaluate quantitatively, handling sound as a material has not been done democratically, and it has been handled only in some circles.
This tool is positioned as a gateway for everyone to handle sound equally and freely.
For this reason, the device used in this tool is a smartphone, which is a necessity in our daily life, and it can be connected to the Internet.
The system does not require any special application to be installed. Also, by opening up the analysis video archive through Youtube, it is possible to access the sound field through various locations and individual perspectives.
It is hoped that the analyzed sound field will create a common understanding of the current field and generate deeper communication.
For example, is the atmosphere that the architect wants to reproduce really achieved after the construction is finished? The system can be used as an intuitive tool to determine whether the atmosphere the architect wants to recreate is really achieved after the construction is completed.
The creativity that emerges from using sound as a starting point for redesigning and changing operations has infinite possibilities and flexibility.
By using sound, a material that anyone can handle, as a starting point for ideas, we aim to uncover the possibilities that lie dormant in the world and create a new creative chaos by bringing together a diverse group of players who are not bound by any one domain. -
Work Specification
またパソコンが手元になくともデータやり取りをgoogle driveやdropboxなどを使用することによりソフトを持つ人に解析を依頼することも可能であり、音という素材へのアクセスを容易にしました。
動画撮影が可能なスマートフォン -
Work Specification(EN)
This work is an environmental sound analysis tool, so it can be run on a single computer.
The data used as the source of the analysis can be completed using only video taken with a smartphone, and there is no need to prepare any special equipment.
Since touchdesigner is used as the program for the analysis, the analysis can be performed freely by DLing touchdesigner.
Also, even if you don't have a computer at hand, you can ask someone with software to analyze your data by using google drive, dropbox, etc., making it easy to access the material of sound.
▼Equipment used
MacBookpro15inch(Don't need specific PC for using program)
Smart phone with video recording capability -
Media CoverageURL
▶配信イメージ(youtubeチャンネルを通した解析共有) : ▶実験プロセス :
Video URL
Your OfficialURL (Website, Instagram, Facebook)
Please describe how your work relates to the theme of the special prize.