無限スケールの世界では、システムの内部構成要素は常に変化しているので、絶対的な質的物質関係は存在せず、恒常的な変化のみが存在する。有限のスケールの世界にとって、物質は目に見える境界線である。物質の存在を様々な境界線で区切るのが物質思考の核心である。それは基本的な輪郭の要素として知覚システムに表現される。物質思考の本質は、リアルタイムに収集された輪郭要素を処理し、相対的な不変量を見つけ出すプロセスにある。そのような思考によって形成された物質の境界の認識に基づいて、相対性が本質的に残る。 -
The tangible boundary represents matter and the invisible boundary represents relationship. The dialectical relationship between matter and relations can be reflected from this experiment.
We used pulp to explore the relationship between matter and space. After the manual processing, it was then randomly reordered and then returned to its original texture. We can feel: with the constancy of relationship, there is the existence of matter; and with the relative constancy of matter, it provides the basis for the further evolution of relationship. What is the cause and what is the effect between relations and matter can only be discussed from time to time.
In the infinite scale, the internal components of the system are always changing, so there is no absolute qualitative matter-relationship, only permanent change.
For the finite scale world, matter is the tangible boundary. The core of material thinking is to delineate the existence of matter by various boundaries. It is represented in the perceptual system as a basic contour element. The essence of matter thinking is the process of processing the contour elements collected in real time and finding relative invariants. Based on the perception of matter boundaries formed by such thinking, relativity remains in essence. -
サイズ: 50cm*50cm*50cm
素材: カジノキの皮、水、アクリル -
Size: 50cm*50cm*50cm
Materials: Paper mulberry, Water, Acrylic -
My thinking about [democracy] is that the essence of material thinking is the process of processing the big data of the contour elements collected in real time and finding relative invariance from them, and the material boundary cognition formed based on this thinking is still relative in nature. Whether it is matter, human or society, all are a kind of subject. Matter as a broad subject, it is able to influence the surrounding spatial form, when two substances act on each other, it will also inevitably lead to the influence of one substance on the spatial mass field of another substance, and this influence is equivalent to the competition between substances on space.
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The tangible boundary represents the matter, and the invisible boundary represents the relationship. The dialectics between matter and relationship can be reflected from this experiment.
In the infinite scale, the internal components of the system are always constantly changing, so that there is no absolutely qualitative material relationship, only permanent changes.
For the limited scale world, matter is the tangible boundary. The core of material thinking is to divide the existence of matter by various boundaries. Its representation in the perceptual system is a basic outline element. The essence of material thinking is the process of dealing with the outline elements collected in real time and finding relative invariance. Based on the material boundary cognition formed by this kind of thinking, relativity still exists in essence.
In the infinite scale, the internal components of the system are always constantly changing, so that there is no absolutely qualitative material relationship, only permanent changes.
For the limited scale world, matter is the tangible boundary. The core of material thinking is to divide the existence of matter by various boundaries. Its representation in the perceptual system is a basic outline element. The essence of material thinking is the process of dealing with the outline elements collected in real time and finding relative invariance. Based on the material boundary cognition formed by this kind of thinking, relativity still exists in essence.