オンライン会議での見え方。/ Our system for visualizing conversations for DHH people in online meetings.
ビデオ背景のワードクラウドが更新される様子。/ A word cloud being updated.
オンライン会議において、参加者の発言内容を可視化して、その人のバーチャル背景にするシステム「Word Cloud for Meeting」。/ “Word Cloud for Meeting,” a system that generates a separate word cloud for each participant and displays it in the background of each participant’s video to visualize who is saying what.
Word Cloud for Meeting
設楽と相談し、システムに必要なのは「現在の話題が一眼でわかること」「誰が言ったのかわかること」「情報の変化に気づけること」にまとまり、それを基に Word Cloud for Meeting のプロトタイプを作成した。プロトタイプは、2人のろう・難聴者の協力者からのフィードバックを基に改善した後、さらに7人のろう・難聴者の協力者に見せて、彼らと次の改良の指針を議論した。こうして、今の Word Cloud for Meeting が出来上がった。 -
This is a real-time visualization system for online meetings created for Deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) people who find it tiring to always keep up with captions. This system first transcribes speech into text, and extracts keywords that appear frequently. The system then generates a separate “word cloud” for each participant and displays it in the background of each participant’s video in real time. A word cloud is a cluster of keywords depicted in different sizes. The bigger the word appears, the more often it’s mentioned. To illustrate a change in topic, new words are presented in a darker color, the words fade over time, and eventually disappear if they are not spoken by the participant.
Since the coronavirus pandemic, we have been having remote meetings three times a week with our Deaf colleague, Shitara. Our meetings were made possible by displaying the results of real-time speech recognition on the screen, but two serious problems emerged. One was that it was tiring to constantly follow the real-time caption of remote meetings, which sometimes lasted over five hours. The other was that they need to juggle between multiple concurrent sources of information if there is visual information other than captions such as slides and videos. To address these problems, we designed a system to reduce DHH people’s workload.
We discussed with Shitara to identify the following requirements: Users can 1) understand the ongoing topics in a discussion at a glance, 2) understand who is saying what, and 3) be aware of changes in information. We implemented an initial prototype of Word Cloud for Meeting and refined it based on the initial feedback from two DHH people. Then, we conducted an interview with seven DHH participants to gather feedback by demonstrating a proof of concept of the system. The results of the interviews suggest that our system appears to be useful for observing shifts in topics. Providing more flexibility in customization and improving the placement of keywords will be a future task. -
This is a web-based application.
When a user opens that website in a browser, his or her face appears on the screen. Once the speech recognition starts, the spoken words are transcribed and the system analyzes them to generate and update a word cloud. The word cloud will be displayed behind a user’s face as a virtual background. -