被ばくの森のライブ音 プロジェクト
radioactive live soundscape project
私たちは2011年3月11日の翌日からこのプロジェクトの準備をはじめました。通常であれば1か月程度の作業ですが、実に5年の時間を要しました。それでもやらなければならなかったのには理由があります。かつては人間と共存していた生物が、人間がいない場所で いまこの瞬間も生きているからです。私たちは離れた場所でくらす人間といまだ取り残されている生き物たちを、ネットワークを介してつながり続けたいと考えています。この場所で、そう遠くない未来に途絶える命もあれば、また新しく生まれてくる命があります。この先どのように生物たちがかわっていくのか見守り続けたいのです。
まずは廃炉作業が完了する日までを目標に、このプロジェクトはつづきます。 -
In this work, the environmental sound of this moment in a difficult-to-return area 10 km away from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station is distributed in real time 24 hours in real time. The purpose is to convey the state of the animals that live in this high-dose area close to you through your mobile phone or your home computer in real time. Much of the information in the media about nuclear disasters is about the current state of the affected area. However, it is not a more realistic picture of this moment, nor can it last for decades. We started preparing for this project the day after March 11, 2011. It usually takes about a month, but it took five years. There was a reason why I still had to do it. The creature that once lived with humans is now alive in places where there are no humans. We want to continue to connect with humans living far away and living creatures that are still left behind through networks. In this place, some lives will be cut off in the not-so-distant future, and some will be born again. I want to keep watching how creatures change in the future. We have been researching a system to observe and record these environmental problems in real time. We have a record of continuous operation and record for more than 10 years. This research will be continued until the day when the decommissioning work is completed.
The artist installed one live microphone in Fukushima's nuclear disaster exclusion zone, 10 km from the Nuclear Power Plant. It aims to transmit and store the soundscape in the area for radioecology and the emerging dialects for future observations. It uses a citizen-participatory AI system for analysis.
The artist installed one live microphone in Fukushima's nuclear disaster exclusion zone, 10 km from the Nuclear Power Plant. It aims to transmit and store the soundscape in the area for radioecology and the emerging dialects for future observations. It uses a citizen-participatory AI system for analysis.
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radioactive live soundscape project
Acoustic ecology data have been used for a broad range of soundscape investigations.Counting sounds in a given soundscape is considered an effective method in ecology studies that provides comparative data for evaluating the human-caused impact of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster on the environment inside the Exclusion Zone. This project aims to collect, share and analyze the soundscape data in the Fukushima Exclusion Zone for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year until the completion of the nuclear power plant decommissioning (scheduled for 2051 according Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (TEPCO) plan) by performing research activities.