In this project, Xiaoyin creates an urban woodland for advocating the care of the unseen. Based on the gender issue, equalness and togetherness is her responses to the climate change. Xiaoyin explores urban nature from the female perspective. With the participant of the eastern view of nature, Xiaoyin is re-thinking 'sustainability' with her observation of everyday life.
Sensitive and personal is the core of Xiaoyin's practices, which aims to improve empathies of the contemporary society, also celebrating the softness for female-empowering. She brings the natural aesthetic of the east in the western ecological mindset, which is visualised by the playfulness and gentleness of this collection.
As a contemporary maker, Xiaoyin thinks the diversities of the eco-system is developed from the diversities of aesthetics. People need to embrace the differences of existing lives. Respecting the difference of individuals is the key to mindset decolonisation and the reduction of capitalist consumption.
Focused on the trending vegetal lifestyle in the urban environment, such as herbal tea, essential oil and vegan diet. Xiaoyin thinks vegetal materials are not the best choice for body and spiritual relaxation. Based on the theme of 'equalness', she stands for following the rule of natural world and balancing vegetal and animal sourcing in everyday lives. If not, the overused of vegetal materials will increase the spreading of capitalist agriculture. Accordingly, the large area of planting intensify the deforestation and the poverty of the Third World.
Therefore, while using vegetal materials for circularity and less landfilling, xiaoyin thinks reducing waste is radical for long-term wellness, releasing the stress of marginalised groups. Meanwhile,
every materials need to be valued, people need to value the industrial archive, such as the invention of plastic.
This tableware collection largely employed the tree branches of local walking. Compared to artificial patterning, Xiaoyin prefer bringing organic pattern in her practices with less mechanisation.
The sliced wood sticks transfer Xiaoyin's ecological making mindset of urban nature, which is as valuable as the countryside. This is also the way to reduce the invisible waste of footprint.
Xiaoyin hopes the urban residences slow down to enjoy the common green space through the local sourcing of vegetal materials. With more caring for the overlooked moments, Xiaoyin believes people will deepen their engagement with their surroundings and belongingness, benefiting environmental awareness and mental wellness in the urban environment.
Xiaoyin makes the gathered fragment pieces functional, non-functional and decorative to visualise the purpose, which is free for the user's imagination. This collection is generated from the waste and mistakes of personal ceramic practices. By collaging and repairing fragments, this regenerative making is full of convertibility. It represents the maker's stance of embracing the mistakes and 'failure'. Xiaoyin wishes people could give more space for themselves and each other, which is key for an empathic society, also allowing more nature in the industrial environment.
Beyond the application of ready-made and natural waste, Xiaoyin considers the environmental crisis need everyone's help. Therefore, the connection and the joint highlight is materialising the concept of 'Togetherness', with more communication and sharing to find the own place and love. -
In this project, Xiaoyin creates an urban woodland for advocating the care of the unseen. Based on the gender issue, equalness and togetherness is her responses to the climate change. Xiaoyin explores urban nature from the female perspective. With the participant of the eastern view of nature, Xiaoyin is re-thinking 'sustainability' with her observation of everyday life.
Sensitive and personal is the core of Xiaoyin's practices, which aims to improve empathies of the contemporary society, also celebrating the softness for female-empowering. She brings the natural aesthetic of the east in the western ecological mindset, which is visualised by the playfulness and gentleness of this collection.
As a contemporary maker, Xiaoyin thinks the diversities of the eco-system is developed from the diversities of aesthetics. People need to embrace the differences of existing lives. Respecting the difference of individuals is the key to mindset decolonisation and the reduction of capitalist consumption.
Focused on the trending vegetal lifestyle in the urban environment, such as herbal tea, essential oil and vegan diet. Xiaoyin thinks vegetal materials are not the best choice for body and spiritual relaxation. Based on the theme of 'equalness', she stands for following the rule of natural world and balancing vegetal and animal sourcing in everyday lives. If not, the overused of vegetal materials will increase the spreading of capitalist agriculture. Accordingly, the large area of planting intensify the deforestation and the poverty of the Third World.
Therefore, while using vegetal materials for circularity and less landfilling, xiaoyin thinks reducing waste is radical for long-term wellness, releasing the stress of marginalised groups. Meanwhile,
every materials need to be valued, people need to value the industrial archive, such as the invention of plastic.
This tableware collection largely employed the tree branches of local walking. Compared to artificial patterning, Xiaoyin prefer bringing organic pattern in her practices with less mechanisation.
The sliced wood sticks transfer Xiaoyin's ecological making mindset of urban nature, which is as valuable as the countryside. This is also the way to reduce the invisible waste of footprint.
Xiaoyin hopes the urban residences slow down to enjoy the common green space through the local sourcing of vegetal materials. With more caring for the overlooked moments, Xiaoyin believes people will deepen their engagement with their surroundings and belongingness, benefiting environmental awareness and mental wellness in the urban environment.
Xiaoyin makes the gathered fragment pieces functional, non-functional and decorative to visualise the purpose, which is free for the user's imagination. This collection is generated from the waste and mistakes of personal ceramic practices. By collaging and repairing fragments, this regenerative making is full of convertibility. It represents the maker's stance of embracing the mistakes and 'failure'. Xiaoyin wishes people could give more space for themselves and each other, which is key for an empathic society, also allowing more nature in the industrial environment.
Beyond the application of ready-made and natural waste, Xiaoyin considers the environmental crisis need everyone's help. Therefore, the connection and the joint highlight is materialising the concept of 'Togetherness', with more communication and sharing to find the own place and love. -
Materials- Wood sticks from London parks, glazed porcelain, pearl, straw, silver
Size: main figure- long cutlery- 250mmx 41mm x 20mm;
pearl head spoon- 200mm x 43mm x 31mm;
'T' shape cutlery- 90mm x 86mm x 27mm -
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