Work Title
Work Title(EN)
Balance Game
Please describe the concept of your artwork in 2000 words.
Space is usually designed for specific users and function. Therefore no matter who use this space, how they use it and what they experience in it are more or less the same;Thinking about the democracy of space, we want to design space from which its stakeholder could have what they want. The right of thinking is equal to everyone. And thinking, especially introspecting, is a personal thing. So we design an installation that arouses people to think about their relationship with the outside and inside world.
First it should be public. It could locate at public park, plaza and so on. It is open to everyone at any time. From layout, there are three concentric circles representing three levels of thinking. Two entrances are set in the opposite side, and circles are designed into two separated route. You will not know what happens in the other side until you enter the core of this installation. The width of the path is only 1m wide for one person, because thinking is private and personal. From the façade, each layer of circle is a metaphor of different metal state of ourselves. The whole installation is white and trying to hide in the surrounding, just like us showing the good side to the world as well as trying not to be special in the surrounding. The outside circle is a complete mirror reflecting the world including us. The outside layer blends into the surrounding, just like what we usually do in the world. The outside of middle circle is white wall, while inside is strips of mirror in order. In the second layer, the mirror no longer reflects the world but only ourselves. However, the reflection is not continuous. It is cut in order. We start to see many faces of us, which are still in order in this stage. The inside circle is the core of this installation. The outside of inside circle is still white wall, but the inside is full of shatter of mirror. This is the heart of our mind. Reflections are chaotic, but kind of fun. There is a balance platform inside. Once we stand on it, the balance will be broken. We have to find the new balance so that we can go the opposite door and go outside. If you are one person, this is easier. If you meet someone from the opposite door, thing will be more difficult. The more person on this platform, finding the new balance is more difficult. It is just what we feel when we are getting along with others in daily life. When we find balance again, we are able to go outside from the opposite side. On top of the core, it is a complete circle mirror. It reflects the outside world when we are in the core. At the same time it reflects the core when we are in the outside world. It is the media between inside and outside, which keeps them connected. We will go through the reverse way we enter. It is a process of breaking and rebuilding ourselves. Everyone will have their own experience and answer through this space experience. In this aspect, it is democratic. -
Please describe the concept of your artwork in 2000 words. (EN)
Work Specification
The diameter of three concentric circle is 9.6m, 7.4m, 5.2m. The white wall is brick wall. The mirror is mirror paint for curved wall and mirror shatter for the core.
Work Specification(EN)
Media CoverageURL
Video URL
Your OfficialURL (Website, Instagram, Facebook)
Please describe how your work relates to the theme of the special prize.
Relationship between the outside and inside world of ourselves is an eternal issue, which is always related to society. Especially nowadays, COVID-19 and the increase of depression and suicide are influencing our life no matter who you are and where you are. It makes people rethink about their life style, their physical and mental relationship with family, love, friend and the surrounding world. Therefore, public space for people thinking it is very necessary. Instead of a meditation space, like church or other silent space, this installation where people will think through walking in and out and play balance game is a promising space.
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Balance Game
This is a public installation that arouses people think about how to get along with the outside and inside world of themselves. The core of this design is a balance platform like teeter-totter. Once someone stands on it, the balance will be broken. As long as you find the new balance, you are able to leave easily. Or you may lose yourself in it.