MaaR for business(マール・フォー・ビジネス)/ MaaR for business
『MaaR for business』は、その第一歩です。現在、オフィスから排出されるほとんどすべてのごみは、焼却処分されていますが、特定のごみを回収ボックスに入れるという毎日のなにげないアクションによって、ごみは資源となり、新たなモノとして手元にもどってくるという資源循環を実現できます。また、サービスの一部として利用できる環境配慮型製品や、環境意識醸成に繋げる教育資料を社内で活用してもらうことにより、環境問題やそれに対する取り組みへの興味を持ってもらい、各従業員の自分事化を深めることができます。そんな体験と学びを含めてコーディネートし、オフィスのサステナブルな活動を促進させる、従業員参加型の資源循環サービスが『MaaR for business』です。この輪が広がれば広がるほど、より大きく資源も、社会も、回っていく。やがて大きな資源循環プロジェクトへと成長していき日本からはじまるグローバル規模のサーキュラーエコノミーの実現を目指します。
Recently, it is required to take sustainable actions to stop climate change and resource depletion because of the mass consumptions and disposal. Our service“MaaR”can be the solution for plastic waste issues. We coordinate material circulation of used LIMEX products (LIMEX is new material which is mainly made from limestone and inorganic materials. which can be alternative to plastic and paper.) and used plastic products. In next few years, we will enhance material recycling not only in Japan, but also in Southeast Asia especially in developing countries which do not have enough waste management infrastructure.
In Japan, most of disposal from the office is incinerated even it could be recycled. We believe that if we could sort properly, collect as resources and recycling, we can make it more sustainable.
Through our service, “MaaR for business”, we can design small circulation at the office by collecting used LIMEX and plastic products by your employees, recycling at our recycling plants and generate new products. We also provide eco-friendly products that can be used at office and improve their awareness to the environmental issues. These small actions that using eco-friendly products and bringing used products to the collecting box are good to start to promote sustainable actions. In addition, we provide educational materials which can learn about sustainability. It helps your employees to understand deeply and make these actions more inclusive. “MaaR for business” is a new type of service that coordinate inclusive circular actions at your workplace. If we could grow this social action more, we can make it bigger circle and contribute the society, and global-scale Circular Economy. -
Our vision is to achieve “local resource utilization and circularization”. We have a recycling plant in Yokosuka city starting operation from fall 2022. It is one of the largest scale material recycling plants in Japan, and we tie up with metropolitan cities such as Tokyo and Kanagawa prefectures.
We drive forward the reduction of natural resource consumption and accelerate the usage of used plastic and LIMEX products to contribute to a sustainable economy. We will expand our recycling plant to all over Japan and overseas to shorten transportation distance and reduce CO2 emissions. By returning local resources to the local community, we will improve the awareness of material recycling in each region and promote decarbonization throughout the entire lifecycle. Currently, as part of “MaaR Project”, we have introduced LIMEX to Yokosuka City's local support coupons, collect them and recycled. We would like to expand our project and contribute to local resource utilization and circularization, -
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MaaR(マール) Project
弊社(株式会社TBM)は資源循環サービス「MaaR(マール)」を2022年3月末に発表しました。TBMは、プラスチックの代替となる、石灰石などの無機物を主原料とした新素材「LIMEX」を開発・製造・販売しています。「MaaR」は、使用済みのLIMEX製品やプラスチック製品の資源循環をコーディネートする一般消費者・事業所向けサービスです。第1弾として、オフィスなどの事業所を対象とした法人向けの資源循環サービス「MaaR for business(マール・フォー・ビジネス)」の提供を開始しています。導入企業のオフィスで使用されたLIMEX製品やプラスチック製品を回収し、導入企業にはオフィスで活用可能な環境配慮型製品に交換できるチケット付与や環境意識醸成に繋げる教育資料の提供を行う月額制のサービスです。