Aquaterrestrial Recolonization/ 水生地球の再植民地化
There are numerous scientific reports showing that coral reefs, which are are a crucial part of our planet's ecosystem – and our existence, have been significantly jeopardised by increased pollution and the adverse effects of climate change. Reef systems are irreplaceable resources of food for a quarter of the ocean's marine life and play an important role in the generation of clean air and the protection of vulnerable coastlines against erosion, flooding and st orms.
The coral reefs on this planet are dying due to pollution and climate change! Besides, the geographical position and geological composition of The Bahamas places the archipelago at the centre of an ecological/environmental disaster; one in which dire consequences, directly and indirectly, affect numerous sectors of human society such as the economy.
Project Aquaterrestrial Recolonization is a joint effort of a group of artists based in the Bahamas proactively responding to rising climate change concerns. We are recording the current state of the surrounding dead coral reefs and feeding AI with that data to visualize a recolonized ocean floor; a calculated imaging, returning to the planet parts mankind has destroyed. In our project, we are using AI as the planet Earth's protector, from further devastations. Throughout history, human civilisation has been ignorant and often motivated only by profit and exploitation to take us to the point of watching our planet dying. We are driven with idea that maybe it is time to give to another intelligent entity, based on logic and calculations rather than being greedy and careless.
We are using AI technology to generate new coral reefs, and confront the audience with what we lost, where we are at the moment and what needs to be rebuilt to preserve our planet for the next generations. /
私たちの惑星の生態系の重要な部分であるサンゴ礁と私たちの存在が、汚染の増加と気候変動の悪影響によって著しく危険にさらされていることを示す多くの科学的報告があります.サンゴ礁システムは、海の海洋生物の 4 分の 1 にとってかけがえのない食料資源であり、きれいな空気の生成と、侵食、洪水、嵐から脆弱な海岸線を保護する上で重要な役割を果たしています。
Project Aqua-terrestrial Recolonisation は、高まる気候変動の懸念に積極的に対応するバハマを拠点とするアーティスト グループの共同の取り組みです。周囲の死んだサンゴ礁の現在の状態を記録し、そのデータを AI に供給して、再植民地化された海底を視覚化しています。計算された画像、人類が破壊した部分の惑星への帰還。私たちのプロジェクトでは、さらなる荒廃から地球を保護するために AI を使用しています。歴史を通して、人間の文明は無知であり、多くの場合、利益と搾取だけに動機付けられて、私たちの惑星が死にゆくのを見るところまで私たちを導きました.私たちは、貪欲で不注意になるのではなく、論理と計算に基づいて、別の知的な存在に与える時が来たのかもしれないという考えに駆り立てられています。
AI テクノロジーを使用して新しいサンゴ礁を生成し、失ったもの、現在の場所、次の世代のために地球を保護するために再建する必要があるものを視聴者に提示します。 -
#Climate#Ecosystem#Artificial Intelligence
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Aquaterrestrial Recolonization
In the Aquaterrestrial Recolonization, we are recording the current state of the surrounding dead coral reefs and feeding AI with that data to visualize a recolonized ocean floor; calculated imaging, returning to the planet parts mankind has destroyed. In our project, we are using AI as the planet Earth's protector from further devastations. We are driven by the idea that maybe it is time to give to another intelligent entity based on logic and calculations rather than being greedy and careless.