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The MiNiMONO Project

MiNiMONO is a collection of long lasting multifunctional furniture made from Recycled-HDPE.

The furnitures have different purposes depending on the user: a stool can also be a plant stand, or a side table and therefore adapt to different age groups. It is furniture for kids that adults find so great that they want to keep using!

All pieces are mono-material and very easy to assemble, they are suitable for indoors and outdoors and can be cleaned with almost anything. They are meant to last a lifetime but can also be recycled or sent back to us for re-purposing.

Minimono furniture

Cad to cam production


M2N1 and M2N2

Optimized production

There is a minimono for everybody

Furniture for families

Outdoor and indoor

Smart packaging

The designers Dirk and Julieta
