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地球と人の新たな文化を探究する廃棄物アートの公募展/Public Exhibit of 'Upcycle Art' Exploring the New Culture of Earth & People.

※廃棄物アートは英訳でWaste Art であるが、当プロジェクトでは廃棄物の価値に注目するという意味で'Upcycle Art'という名称を採用している。



現在MOMAなど著名な美術館などが公式プログラムとして取り入れている美術教育カリキュラム「対話型鑑賞(Visual Thinking Strategies)」などによって問いや対話の教育的効果は既に実証されつつある。現代アートを創る人も観る人もが「問題提起力」「観察力」「想像力」「批判力」」「対話力」といった思考回路を循環させるため、固定概念を脱した新たな解釈や世界観が生み出されるこ



部外にいる人との対話のきっかけを後押しできたらと考えている。実際にこうしている間にもClimate Clock(温暖化が進んだ、 もう後戻りできない地球になってしまう「締め切り」の時間を示す

*We adopted the name of 'Upcycle Art' in place of waste art to draw attention to the value of waste.

“The sustainable world view should be the standard of the culture"
That statement is the beginning of this project to manage a public exhibit of contemporary art created from waste. Culture is a general term for customs, traditions, ways of thinking, and values of an ethnic group or society passed down from generation to generation. Because culture is passed down it has inspired the idea that in order to truly solve the numerous environmental issues, mankind must face the issues today in order to create a positive future. It is imperative to implement solutions and permeate these solutions throughout this culture today.

This project aims to encourage people being faced with environmental issues to start thinking, using a public exhibit of upcycle art which is creating art with the medium of things that should be thrown away or are deemed unnecessary (AKA waste). One goal of this project is that it would become a cultural exploration project. The first step in cultural exploration is cultivating and nurturing “questions” and “dialogue” using contemporary art. The educational effect of questions and dialogue is already being demonstrated by the art education curriculum “Visual Thinking Strategies” which is currently being adopted as an official program by famous museums such as MOMA. It allows creators and viewers of contemporary art to spark their critical thinking, spark thinks like the “ability to pose problems”, “observe”, “imagine”, “critique”, and “dialogue”, and see new interpretations and worldviews that break away from stereotypical expectations and the norm.

Contemporary art is a form of art that provokes a dialogue and questions between the creator and viewer upon completion. The form of work differs and changes depending on the content of question, dialogue, and diversity in the given area. It is my hope that you enjoy and are entertained as criticism and debates arise and further questions and dialogue are opened up.

In the spirit of contemporary art while managing this project we would like to involve those who have never created contemporary art, seen contemporary art, and even people who are not interested in environmental issues. We want to create a system that allows communication between creators and viewers especially through Social Media and in person events. We are aiming for a management system that allows us to be flexible while keeping in mind that “environmental issues involve all humans”.

We are currently in the experimental stages to see if the project can actually improve environmental issues and influence people’s thinking and behavior. By engaging in dialogue with more people through different events and activities, I hope to encourage dialogue with people who are still outside of the department. The climate clock (the clock that shows the earth’s “deadline” to an irreversible global warming) continues to tick every moment. With that I want to do all I can do today, regardless of if a big impact can or cannot be made rather than waiting and doing nothing and affecting no change.
