GOOD CYCLE BUILDING 001 淺沼組名古屋支店改修PJ GOOD CYCLE BUILDING 001 Asanuma Corporation Nagoya Branch Office Renovation Project
従来のスクラップ&ビルドから脱却し、ウェルネスと資源循環も意識した「環境配慮型リニューアル」に取り組むことが、自然との新たな共生の形が求められる地球環境時代における建設産業の社会的役割だと考えた。本件では、自然の光や風へのアクセシビリティを高め、土・木・緑を積極的に取り込み、快適な環境を実現。また、有害な化学物質を含まない材料を使用し、循環使用を前提に設計、社会的に公正なプロセスで生産され、回収・リユースにも耐える品質を求めた。建築物をマテリアルフローの通過点、材料貯蔵庫として捉え、新たに加えた木や土などの自然素材と、既存および加えた人工素材とを分離可能にデザインし、それぞれが寿命を終えた後に素材として回収でき、自然素材は再利用されるか土に還り、人工素材は出来る限りアップサイクルされ、産業界の循環に戻す、循環型社会の構築に向けた都市の新たなマテリアルフローの要としての建築をめざした。 It was considered that the social role of the construction industry in the global environment age in which the form of the new coexistence with nature is required is to tackle "the environment-conscious renewal" which escaped from the conventional scrap and build and was also conscious of wellness and resource circulation.
In this case, we will enhance accessibility to natural light and wind, and proactively incorporate civil, civil, and greenery to create a comfortable environment.
And, this paper demands the quality which uses the material which does not contain the hazardous chemical substance, designs on the assumption of the circulation use, is produced in the socially fair process, and withstands the recovery and reuse.
The building was regarded as a passing point of material flow and a material storage warehouse, and natural materials such as newly added civil engineering and civil engineering materials were designed to be separable, and each of them can be recovered as a material after the end of its life, and natural materials can be reused or returned to the soil, and artificial materials are up-cycled as much as possible to return to the circulation of the industrial world, aiming at the construction of a new material flow of the city toward the construction of a recycling-oriented society. -
#Renovation #Environment-friendly Renewal #Good Cycle
また、天井や床、ベランダのデッキ材などに用いられた吉野杉は、自然のデザインをsのまま活かした使い方とした。さらに、通常廃棄されてしまう木の皮や枝木の部材を使って家具を製作した。端材はアロマオイルとしてプロダクト化した。これらの試みにより、建築が建物の中で完結せずに、地域の循環を生むということも実現できた。 As for "wood," we have adopted plenty of timber supplied from Yoshino Forest in Nara Prefecture, where sustainable management is practiced.
Legally logged timber supplied by registered timber-related businesses based on the Clean Wood Act is used.
The Yoshino cedar logs, which are characteristic in the design of the facade, use as large a diameter logs as possible that can be taken from a single cedar to minimize the scraps generated during sawing.
It is not usually dried and attached to a facade so as to be removable, and then dried naturally, and will be diverted to furniture and the like in the next period of renovation.
It is an attempt to position the facade as a wooden yard in the city.
In addition, Yoshino Sugi, which was used for ceilings, floors, deck materials for veranda, etc., was used to make use of natural designs as they were.
In addition, furniture was fabricated using members of wood bark and branches that would normally be discarded.
The scraps were commercialized as aroma oil.
Through these attempts, it was also realized that the building would not be completed in the building and would produce a local circulation. -
改修前の建物で使用されていた石材は、内装の面材としての再利用や、石膏で固めて面材とし、家具の材料に転用した。また、天然資源ではないが、廃プラスチックを粉砕し熱して固めた面材と既存家具を組み合わせたり、再生ポリエステル糸で余れたニットで既存家具を包むなど、都市で発生するゴミを資源として活用する試みも行った。 In this project, construction surplus soil from the field in the same prefecture in which Asamagumi is involved was used, and the utilization method of soil in various applications such as floor, ceiling and furniture in the inside and outside was tried.
Though construction surplus soil was industrial waste by mixing rubble, recycling became possible by "sifting".
Incidentally, it was made to be a basis of "returning to the soil" and "returning to the soil" without adding materials other than natural materials to the soil wall, so that the goodness of the original soil wall was not lost.
In addition, by "employees who use buildings participate in painting and finishing their own soil walls," they aimed to keep them attached to the buildings and continue to use them more carefully.
Features of the soil wall are excellent in humidity control, and effects of deodorization, heat insulation and heat insulation can also be expected.
It is also possible to renovate at zero energy when water is mixed.
The stone used in the building before the renovation was reused as the surface material of the interior and solidified with gypsum as the surface material, and it was diverted to the material of the furniture.
They also tried to utilize garbage generated in cities as a resource, such as combining existing furniture with a surface material that is not a natural resource, but is made by crushing and heating waste plastic, and wrapping existing furniture with a knit surplus of recycled polyester yarn.
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Asanuma corporation renovate a 30-year-old building into an environment-friendly building.The existing building frame was utilized and modified to increase accessibility to natural light and wind, and new materials were added as much as possible using natural materials such as earth and wood.This project is an attempt to reposition architecture in a cycle that is good for people and the earth. 総合建設会社・淺沼組による『GOOD CYCLE BUILDING』のフラッグシップとして、築30年の自社ビルを環境配慮型ビルへリニューアルした建物。既存躯体を活用し、自然の光・風へのアクセシビリティを高める改変を行うとともに、土や木などの自然素材を最大限活用。人にも地球にもよい循環の中に建築を位置づけ直す試みである。