「地球守りたいなら、地球を傷つけている人よりもより立派な社交パーティーを開催する必要がある。」トリストラム・スチュアート(英国の作家・運動家であり、Feedbackという環境問題に関する組織を立ち上げた人物)がかつてこう述べました。食品ロスは深刻な問題で食べ残しを徹底してなくすよう働きかけるべきですが、バイキング、ビッフェといった好きなものを好きなだけ味わえる贅沢を手放せないのが事実です。少数の人が我慢しても社会問題の解決にはなりませんし、ましてや「我慢」をしている姿を人は真似をしようとは思いません。そこで食品ロスに取り組むことは楽しい事という新しいイメージを作り、理解のある音楽家、ダンサーなどを巻き込むことで従来よりも大勢の人が参加したくなる人にも環境にも優しいパーティーを開こうと考えたのです。これがより無理なく社会課題に取り組める理想の形だと私達は考えます。現在は4月の最終日を「世界Disco Soupの日」として世界同時多発的に食品ロスへ取組むとともに、Slow Food Youth Networkという私達の団体は記念日にはこの形で祝うことを勧めています。
Disco Soup began eight years ago as "Schnippeldisko" (protest soup) in Berlin, Germany, in response to food loss that fed 8,000 people.
If you want to protect the planet, you need to throw a more respectable frat party than those who are hurting it." Tristram Stuart, the British author, activist, and founder of Feedback, an environmental organization, once said, "Food loss is a serious problem. Food loss is a serious problem and we should work to thoroughly eliminate leftovers, but the fact is that we cannot give up the luxury of buffets and buffets, where we can taste whatever we want, as much as we want. Even if a few people put up with it, it will not solve the social problem, and moreover, people do not want to imitate the image of "putting up with it". Therefore, we decided to create a new image of tackling food loss as something fun, and by involving musicians, dancers, and others who understand the issue, we decided to hold a party that is friendly to both people and the environment, and that many more people will want to attend than before. We believe this is the ideal way to tackle social issues in a more reasonable way. Currently, the last day of April is "World Disco Soup Day" to address food loss worldwide, and our organization, Slow Food Youth Network, encourages people to celebrate the anniversary in this way. -
#foodloss #fun #thinkgloballyactlocally
The premise is to "use ingredients that would otherwise be thrown away" and "remember to have fun" in order to address the issues of the day in each region, while changing the format of the event to suit the occasion. In Tokyo, we hold these events in cooperation with the Aoyama Farmers' Market. Until now, we have rented a venue and asked people to donate unused foodstuffs, making it a fun event that also helps to reduce food loss. However, since exhibitors visit Tokyo only on weekends from rural areas, the biggest food loss was the items for sale that are thrown away when they return home, and the lack of clear benefits for producers to cooperate with the event became a problem. Therefore, this year, we are working on an idea to reduce food waste by holding a party in the evening after the sale, using leftover vegetables, etc., and to share cooking methods for the rare food items sold at the party, which will lead to the next purchase. Buyers are often reluctant to buy local, minor ingredients. We are planning to create an opportunity for producers, chefs, and consumers who gather at the market to get away from the walled-off relationship between sellers and buyers, and to casually learn how to cook the food through the party. In other words, we are creating a place where local ingredients can be used in the community. -
世界中で各々の地域コミュニティをつくり、お互い紹介し合い、大きなインパクトを社会に残すことが地域ごとに独立して活動を続ける活動源になっています。例えば、今年の世界disco soupはオンラインで行いました。合計何か国、何人の人が参加しているか、何キログラムの食品ロスを減らせたか、中心メンバーが統計を取りました。その結果BBCにとりあげられ、記事として紹介を受けました。小さいコミュニティで活動を行うのは社会にとって正しい事なのか不安になり継続に迷いが出る時があります。その為世界中で繋がり、お互いを賞賛しあうことが結果を残し、自らの地域コミュニティを継続する上でも大切になっていると考えます。まさに“think globally, act locally”を体現しているといえます。
The creation of local communities around the world, introducing each other to each other, and leaving a big impact on society are the source of our activities, which continue to be independent of each region. For example, this year's World Disco Soup was held online. The core members compiled statistics on the number of countries, the number of people participating, and the number of kilograms of food loss reduced. As a result, the BBC picked up the story and featured it in an article. Sometimes it is difficult for a small community to continue a project because they are not sure if it is the right thing to do for society. Therefore, we believe that connecting with and praising each other around the world is important to achieve results and to keep our own local communities going. This is the very embodiment of "think globally, act locally.“ -
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