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From total naturalism to human exceptionalism, the nature-human relationship has evolved over time. Humans have become increasingly isolated from nature and have cultivated a human-dominated lifestyle (Anthropocene) that views non-human entities as hindrances or resources to be extracted from, instruments-only, relationally limited and passive entities. Consequently, all environmental problems humans and non-humans currently face, such as global warming, loss of biodiversity, ozone layer depletion, and human overpopulation, have emerged as a consequence of this superior and egoistic worldview of humans.

Psychology says humans produce feelings and thoughts by looking for similarities between themselves and others. Moreover, intimacy and closeness are developed through sharing oneself with others, having a deep knowledge of them as well as spending quality time with each other. 

One-ness collection is designed to thin the walls between nature and humans. This collection re-imagines plants as companions rather than home accessories, rethinking their position in our lives by combining them with everyday objects with which both beings can interact and spend time with each other. The collection aims to evoke emotions and care for nature through intimate interactions in intimate environments. It also aims to create a sense of similarity between the human and plant worlds. It designed for changing the users fundamental understanding of themselves and the world around them. Moreover, through the creation of emotions for living objects, the project hopes to change humans' capitalism-driven desires and explore new possibilities in biophilic and transition design. Maybe a better future is possible by living in harmony with nature.

Sunbathing Jacket:

As if you had your child on your shoulders, you go walks with your companion plants. You enjoy the sun and the rain together. By designing the jacket with openable zippers, users can expose their arms to sunlight. Since the inner arms are one of the only areas humans can absorb sunlight, the jacket will enable them to absorb vitamin D while plants produce nutrients for themselves.

Couples’ Straw

Water is essential for all living beings. With the Couple's Straw, humans experience sharing water with their companion plants, reinforcing the bond and sense of care between the two beings. Just as we offer water to our loved ones when they are thirsty.

Sleepover Pillow

Sleepover pillows bring plants into users' bedrooms, creating an intimate space for them to sleep together with their companion plants and share a restful environment.

Couples’ Straw

Sunbathing Jacket

Sleepover Pillow

Sunbathing Jacket
