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The Apple That Changed The World

Sir Isaac Newton invented the concept of gravity after being inspired by a falling apple, which-almost 300 years later-lead to an Apple symbol on millions of notebooks all over the world. Something that Newton did not for see, but in a sens, is his "fault".

The tree is the dawning of new theories and eras and is composed from a "word cloud" of Newton's main work in mechanics: "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica". The different font sizes illustrate the frequency of word usage in the original latin transcript, that can be found at Project Gutenberg. Newton himself-still oblivious of what he will formulate after this incident-rests underneath, but already has the potential of his future work within. Therefor hi is composed of his name, the future title of his work and his future nobel title. Newton was at the time of "the apple incident" not yet knighted, but was so 18 years after publishing his work.
