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Space Car:Diagram

We made space car model as toy by using card sheet paper. This can be used as ‘learning model for children’s’. We observed that when any one assemble small small parts of an object then that person came to about each every details about it. & it’s really fun to do this kind of activity.

Vigyan Ashram FABLAB is the first fab lab outside MIT. It is established in 2002 and received capital equipment by NSF-USA and IITK. Fab Labs is kind of distributed international network of scientific researchers and community inventors to define, conduct and apply new discoveries and inventions for benefit to both research and locaWe can make almost anything !’ in the tagline of Fab Lab. Fab Lab, a brain child of Dr. Neil Greshenfield (Director, Center of Bits and atoms, MIT (USA)) is a collection of commercially available machines and parts linked by software and processes MIT has developed for making things. The project aims to give ordinary people around the world the technology to design and make their own stuff communities. Vigyan Ashram is a center of Indian Institute of Education (IIE) Pune.
