Hello! My name is Hiné. I am a Japanese craft artist who live in Vancouver, Canada.
Movie, Illustration, Photography, Fine Art, Others
12年前より、NYのThey Might Be Giantsと言うバンドのコマ撮りアニメPV他7本製作、うち4本はDVDに収録。
ソフトスカルプチャー作品は、NY、Seattle、San Francisco、Los Angeles、Melbourne, 東京、大阪などのギャラリーで展示・販売。また、NYのAdobe Creative Cloudイベントや、世界で最も権威ある新聞 New York Times のウェブキャンペーン用の作品も製作。多くの作品は欧米のクラフト/アートブック、絵本、雑誌などにも掲載。
Hiné Mizushima, who was born and raised in Japan, majored in Japanese traditional painting before working as a designer and Illustrator in Tokyo. She later moved to Rome, then Paris, and then NYC. Ten years ago she left New York for Vancouver, Canada where she lives with her family.
She is currently also a slow crafter, needlefelter, miniature collage artist and stop-motion puppet animation video artist.
She has been commissioned for many commercial music videos for They Might Be Giants, were released on DVDs. Her soft sculptures have been exhibited in galleries in the USA, Australia and Japan, and are published as books and magazines, and commissioned for Adobe Creative Cloud event in NYC, and New York Times web campaign as well. She also made miniature collages for several book covers in Japan. She recently started original Kogin embroidery for making illustrations, brooches and music video.
She sells her felt creations and prints on her Etsy handmade shop, and goods on her Society6 and Redbubble shop as well.
[ websites ]
Behance Portfolio: http://www.behance.net/hine
Instagram: http://instagram.com/sheishine
Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/hine
Society6 shop: http://society6.com/hine
Twitter (日本語): https://twitter.com/sheishine
Tumblr: http://sheishine.tumblr.com
Handmade videos: https://vimeo.com/user140079
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sheishine
[ Interviews ]
dpi (illustration magazine, Taiwan): http://buy.d-shop.com.tw/d-shop/buy-catalog-dpi-mag/product/306-dpi2016_08_208.html
Etsy - Inspiring Workspaces (USA): https://blog.etsy.com/en/2014/inspiring-workspaces-hine/
Adobe Inspire Magazine (USA): http://inspire.adobe.com/2014/9/10/contradiction_and_community.html
Frankie Magazine (Australia): http://www.frankie.com.au/blogs/art/artist-interview-hine-mizushima
RMM: Readymade Magazine (Hong Kong): http://journal.the-readymade.com/post/103110163102/creator-issue-hine-mizshima-needle-felted
Brown Paper Bag (USA): http://www.brwnpaperbag.com/header-picture-project-hine-mizushima/
Thunder Chunky (UK): http://www.thunderchunky.co.uk/articles/a-day-in-the-eyes-of-hine-mizushima/
UPPERCASE Magazine (Canada): https://www.flickr.com/photos/sheishine/12243983025/
Baronmag (Canada): http://baronmag.ca/2014/03/office-tale-of-hine-mizushima/
Etsy Featured Seller (USA): http://www.etsy.com/featured_seller.php?featured_user_id=5124044
While She Naps (USA): http://whileshenaps.typepad.com/whileshenaps/2012/06/final-softies-for-sale-post-illustrating-with-softies.html
Gathered by Mollie Makes (UK): https://www.flickr.com/photos/sheishine/8656429695/in/photostream/
Mochimochi Land (USA): http://mochimochiland.com/2012/05/interview-hine-mizushima/
Canada / Vancouver