Thermo Selfie
”Thermo Selfie” は検温と共に撮影を行い、写真をフォトカードとしてその場で印刷する、検温プリント体験である。本プロダクトは、イベントの体験を笑顔で開始してほしいという思いから開発された。正常体温を証明できる顔写真つき入場パスになると同時に、元気にその場をむかえられた思い出となる。カードのデザインは表裏ともにカスタマイズ可能。表面右側には計測された温度が手書き風なフォントでデザインされ出力。表面左側には自身の名前をサインする余白を作ることで、検温証明の意識付けと同時に、イベントとの思い出の品としての感情移入させる機能を持つ。裏面はカードに事前印刷することでランダムにクーポンの発行や、キャストによるサプライズのサインやメッセージを仕込むこともできる。本作品は試験運用が始まり、老若男女が検温機に向かいポーズをとる様子がみられた。ノンバーバルなデザインとシンプルな操作性により、立ち寄った外国の方々も気軽に検温体験を行うことができた。音楽フェス、スポーツリーグ、結婚式など様々なイベントへの導入を目指す。本作品は検温という面倒で事務的な作業を「フォトカード出力」や、「ボックス型撮影機」という極めて日本的に若者に馴染みのある手法を使っている。検温作業をエンターテインメントにするだけでなく、実施しなければいけない感染対策をも演出の一部と捉え直す可能性を世界へ提示する、今後のイベントのニュースタンダードとなる作品である。
This is a selfie device that turns the “boring temperature check” process into entertainment. "Thermo Selfie" is a product that takes a photo along with a temperature check, and prints the photo as a memorial photo card. This product has been developed to help you start a entertaining event with a smile. The card can be used as an entrance pass with a photo to prove normal body temperature, and at the same time, it can be used as a memory of having arrived at the event in good health. The design of the card can be customized on both the front and back. On the right side of the card, the measured temperature is printed out in a handwritten font, automatically. On the left side of the card, there is a blank space for the user to sign his or her name, which serves as an emotional attachment to the event as well as a reminder of the importance of the temperature check. On the back side, the card can be pre-printed with a random coupon or a surprise signature or message from the cast. Men and women of all ages were seen posing for "peace" as they faced the temperature checker. The non-verbal design and simple operation make it easy for foreign visitors to experience the temperature check. The goal is to introduce the service to various events such as music festivals, sports leagues, weddings, and so on. The boring task of temperature check will be replaced by "card output" and "box-type photo booth", popular experience that is very familiar to young people in Japan. This is a service that will set a new standard for future events. Not only by making the temperature check entertaining, but also by presenting to the world the possibility of rethinking the infection control measures, this service shows all people the new way of living in “new normal” life.
Including:iPad, Card Printer, Thermo Camera -
Including:iPad, Card Printer, Thermo Camera -
I became interested in temperature check because of the my philosophy that the event experience already begins at the entrance. For example, when you go to a festival, the first thing you want to do is to get excited at the entrance gate, take a picture, and smile at the entrance. The goal is to make the act of taking your temperature fun and enjoyable, and at the same time, to create a memorable experience that you can take home with you. Many of the events I was involved in have been cancelled, and there are many sad topics in the entertainment industry. I hope that it will become a tool for both organizers and visitors to start the event positively, by making disease measures entertaining.
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Thermo Selfie
”Thermo Selfie” は検温と共に撮影を行い、写真をフォトカードとしてその場で印刷する、退屈な検温をエンタメ化するプロダクトである。
This is a selfie device that turns the “boring temperature check” process into entertainment. "Thermo Selfie" is a product that takes a photo along with a temperature check, and prints the photo as a memorial photo card.
This is a selfie device that turns the “boring temperature check” process into entertainment. "Thermo Selfie" is a product that takes a photo along with a temperature check, and prints the photo as a memorial photo card.