視覚障碍者の道である点字ブロックは、剥がれている部分があったり、立ち往生する人や看板に塞がれてしまっていたり、そもそも敷設されていない道が多いという課題を抱えている。最低限の生活動線にのみ点字ブロックが敷設されている場合が多く、設置義務がないことや景観上の問題から、観光名所へのブロックは敷設されていない場所が多い。渋谷区では現状93カ所の観光名所への点字ブロックがつながっていない現状だ。健常者が意識しづらいが故に生まれているこの課題を解決するべく、アートの力を取り入れた点字ブロック”STREET ART LINE”を開発した。”STREET ART LINE PROJECT”は、アート作品が印刷された特殊シートを用いて既存点字ブロックの加工を行う。アートと点字ブロックとしての機能性を両立させるべく、当事者である視覚障碍者も実行委員会メンバーに迎え入れ、点字ブロックを足で踏んだ際の防滑度や、色彩の輝度比の検証を行い、デザイン面・素材面共に基準をクリアしたものを利用し開発を行っている。機能性と啓蒙性を担保し、視覚障碍者と健常者と都市とアートとの共存を図りながら、点字ブロック”STREET ART LINE”を新設していく。プロジェクトの第一弾は渋谷区後援の元、渋谷スクランブルスクエアのオープンエリアにて展開。報道系テレビ番組に加えて、 福祉・カルチャー・マーケティング・海外メディアなどでも、当プロジェクトを話題にした記事が発信された。点字ブロックは日本から誕生したものであるが、多様性を更に受け入れる社会を作るために、もう一度この国からアップデートを行っていく取り組みである。国内での様々な地域や施設での常設に加え、海外展開も見据え、新たなスタンダードとしての定着を目指す。
Tenji blocks, the path for the visually impaired, are often peeling off, blocked by people or signs, and many paths are not laid yet. In many cases, Tenji blocks are laid only in the limited place, and many blocks are not laid in sight seeing places because there is no obligation to install them and because of landscape problems. In Shibuya Ward, there are currently 93 points of sight seeing places that are not connected to Tenji blocks. In order to solve this problem, we have developed "STREET ART LINE", Tenji blocks that incorporates the power of art. " STREET ART LINE PROJECT" modifies existing Tenji blocks with special sheets printed with vivid artworks. In order to combine art with the functionality of Tenji blocks, with a project team member who are visually impaired, we have tested the anti-slip properties of the Tenji block when stepped on with the foot and the luminance ratio of the colours. The new "STREET ART LINE” Tenji blocks are designed to ensure functionality and enlightenment, and to promote the coexistence of the visually impaired, able-bodied people, the city and art. The first phase of the project took place in the open area of Shibuya Scramble Square, with the support of Shibuya Ward. In addition to news TV programs, articles about the project were published in the variety of the medias such as welfare, culture, marketing. foreign medias and so on. Tenji blocks are originated in Japan, but this is an initiative to update them once again from this country in order to create a society that is more accepting of diversity. In addition to being permanently installed in various areas and facilities in Japan, the project also aims to establish the Tenji blocks as a new standard for overseas development.
In collaboration with 3M, a special sheet with vivid artworks made. Visually impaired people have been invited to join the committee to verify the anti-slip properties of the Braille blocks when stepping on them and the brightness ratio of the colours.
In collaboration with 3M, a special sheet with vivid artworks made. Visually impaired people have been invited to join the committee to verify the anti-slip properties of the Braille blocks when stepping on them and the brightness ratio of the colours.
After the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, the Osaka Expo is coming up in 2025. In Japan, we feel that many of cities are still not able to cope with the diversity of people. In this project, we aim to bring together different stakeholders: the visually impaired and the able-bodied, the city and the arts. If a product is functional but bad for the landscape, developers will not install or maintain it. At the same time, if it is not functional, some people will feel inconvenienced. Because such cases occur in every category, we would like to show this "STREET ART LINE" from Japan as a future where various stakeholders can live together.
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