1-Yen Scholarship
1円を送れる、受け取れるということは、お互いの生存確認である。死んだ彼に1円は送れない。1円を受けれ取れる状態というのは、今後も1円を受け取り続ける最低条件であり、生存とは様々なものへのアクセスを可能にする。つまり1円奨学金とは生命と可能性への賛歌である。 -
1-Yen Scholarship is a suicide prevention challenge, I made for myself, and at the same time a hymn of Life and Potential of human being.
"A: Rule"
With the 1-Yen Scholarship, 1-Yen will be sent to the selected 13 scholarship students every month for one year. 6 are benefit-type scholarships, and 6 are loan-type scholarships with negative interest rates (the repayment amount can be set freely by them and they do not have to repay). The last one is a bug, like Trump's JOKER, with special rules.
"B: Survival confirmation"
Sending 1-Yen will inform others of your survival and I will know the recipient's survival. By sending 1-Yen, 14 people including scholarship students and myself will be confirmed to be alive every month. I lost my friend in a car accident last October. I met him the night before he died, and the news arrived two days after he died. At that time, I had only 71 yen, and he worked for a major company and received hundreds of thousands every month. I was thinking of suicide because of various difficulties in living, but I decided to stop trying to commit suicide because his death did not directly lead to life or death and there was no money. I can't die because I have to send 1-yen to the scholarship students every month.
"C: The future of 1-Yen Scholarships"
Currently, the 1-yen scholarship is 1 yen (12 yen a year) a month, but if you increase this to 1-yen a day, 1 yen per hour, 1 yen per minute, and 1 yen per second, the annual benefit amount will be They will be 365 yen, 8760 yen, 525600 yen, and 31,536,000 yen, respectively. This is a tremendous amount. If the scale is expanded little by little year by year, the impact of the 1-Yen Scholarship will be great. Also, if it's one year every month, I can continue no matter how poor I am.
"D: 1 and 0 , and its possibility"
Sending and receiving 1-Yen is a confirmation of each other's survival. I can't send 1-Yen to him who is dead. Being able to receive 1 -Yen is the minimum requirement to continue receiving 1-Yen, and survival allows access to various things. In other words, the 1-Yen Scholarship is a hymn to life and potential. -
note、Facebook、Instagram、Twitterといった各種SNS及び、個人で発行している個人新聞によって奨学生を募集。選ばれた奨学生たちにはLINE payや現金などで毎月一円を送金、もしくは、手渡ししている。
LINE pay, 1-yen coin
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1円奨学金 -0と1をめぐる冒険-