In Japan, large appliances such as refrigerators can only be thrown away by making reservations the large-garbage collecting organization and paying a fee. Because of this, sometimes large appliances such as refrigerators are tossed into the forest. Happy fridge is an app that turns a whole town into a thrift store treasure hunt. After downloading the app, you can be a treasure hunter or a treasure provider. As a treasure provider, you can take a photo of your fridge, lamp, couch or other recyclable treasure and put it in front of your home to be picked up by treasure hunters.
2019/07/01(月) Updated

Happy fridge team photo

Ms. 109 (mid-40s with two kids) is a person who is busy and can't prioritize time and effort to through away her old friend. She needs to find a way to dispose of the fridge in a fast and easy way.

Take a photo, put the fridge outside, a treasure hunter comes to pick up the fridge.

Concept sketch: An app that turns a whole town into a thrift store

Team Happy fridge shows their solution through their roleplaying skit.