The long-awaited battle of web engineers will at last be held!
"CMS Pro-Wrestling", a CMS battle event, is an athletic festival where participants and viewers alike go wild with enthusiasm.
The theme of Round 3 is "Improved Display Speed". Fights aren't the only attraction. While entries are being accepted, using "Test My Site", which was released by Google in summer 2017, from December to February we will be releasing monthly reports on participant's daily training results. Was it a more stoic program than before? The King of Display Speed was decided at a CMS Pro-Wrestling fight on February 17, 2018.
Event Mission
Make the display speed of a special page made for the applicants to a famous women's university faster
This mission for this event is a special page made for the applicants to Tsuda University, a famous women's university with more than 100 years of history. Many applicants access the university's website from their smartphone, and improving display speed is a necessity so they don't get their data throttled. We are looking for engineers ready to claim "I am the King of Display Speed!"

What is CMS Pro-Wrestling?
● A battle event where engineers construct a website with the same configuration using several CMS'. The battle theme is different every time!
● A field day for CMS engineers!
● A highly entertaining event where viewers here explanations directly from the best CMS engineers! Day-of viewers are also welcome!

Application Process
● Download the page source code from Github.
● Improve the display speed of the static content. (Applying CMS not yet necessary!)
● Test mobile site display speed on "Test My Site", if the results are less than 15 seconds, screenshot the speed results, and access the special form to register! * Groups and individuals may both apply.
Step2:Special Training!
● Apply CMS so that the background images for "Main Visual" and "Campus Life" can be updated.
● Calculate display speed after updating the background images "Main Visual" (1 MB) and "Campus Life" (max 1.6 MB).
● Blurry images are not permitted, improve display speed while maintaining the highest image quality possible.
● Submit re-tests on December 15, January 15, and February 15. Results will be publicized on loftwork's blog media "ATOMS". (Guidance on how to submit test results will be provided to each individual from our office)
Step3:CMS Pro-Wrestling begins. Go and win the tournament!
● Teams gather in Shibuya for the CMS Pro-Wrestling event on February 17, 2018. (Late arrivals permitted)
● Representative athletes battle 1-on-1 tournament style.
● Display speeds are tested on "Test My Site" after updating the background images for "Main Visual" and "Campus Life". (Look forward to finding out file sizes at the tournament!)
● Test results are contested at the tournament until the King of Display Speed receives their crown.
Application Requirements
Registration Period
November 11, 2017 (Fri) - February 15, 2018 (Thu)
Rules of Participation
● Those who have followed the "Application Process" or "Entry Method" listed above and registered.
● Those utilizing an administration screen with CMS installed.
● A penalty up to 10 seconds may be applied depending on image quality. (Judged by a referee)
Competition Method
Teams gather in Shibuya for the CMS Pro-Wrestling event on February 17, 2018. Late arrivals permitted. Test results are contested at the tournament until the last one standing wins.
●In the event that there are too many applicants, a preliminary round will be held based on the results of measurements submitted during the course of the competition.
●There is no participation fee, but participants will be responsible for any actual expenses incurred in the production of their works. Photos of the participants and the contents of their presentations will be posted on our website at a later date.
●The program is subject to change without notice.
About the Prize(s)
1 Team/Trophy
1 Team/Trophy
Special Prize
1 Team/Trophy

Takeaki Kanaya (Google Inc.) / Senior Search Evangelist
Entered the Search Quality Team as Search Evangelist for the Japanese market in 2009. Before starting at Google in 2007, he was Web Director of Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE, now Sony Interactive Entertainment) and produced EC sites for products/games for the PlayStation.

藤田 拓
株式会社ミツエーリンクス 取締役/言問株式会社
takufujita代表取締役 富山県高岡市出身。東京大学在学中に UNIXに触れ、システム系へ。2004年3月、株式会社ミツエーリ ンクス入社。ウェブ標準、ビジネスブログ、CMS、ソーシャルメ ディア関連の案件に携わる。2011年7月独立。現在は言問株式 会社にてCMS案件をメインに活動。 大森 誠(株式会社ロフトワーク テクニカル・ディレクター) 大学卒業後、システム開発会社にエンジニアとして勤務。 VB.net等を用いて大小様々な基幹系システムを開発。ロフトワ ークに入社後はloftwork.comの開発や、サイト構築におけるシ ステム面全般を幅広く担当。

大森 誠
株式会社ロフトワーク テクニカル・ディレクター)
大学卒業後、システム開発会社にエンジニアとして勤務。 VB.net等を用いて大小様々な基幹系システムを開発。ロフトワ ークに入社後はloftwork.comの開発や、サイト構築におけるシ ステム面全般を幅広く担当。