Days remaining 28 DAYS

crQlr Awards 2024

How can we transform our current economic system into a circular one? Open call for projects and ideas to design a new future.

Enter Now TUE, SEP 17, 2024 - FRI, OCT 18, 202428 days remaining


crQlr Awards 2024 Entry Agreement

All applicants who wish to apply for this project (hereinafter referred to as "Applicants") must read these Terms and Conditions carefully before applying.

By submitting an application for this Award, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

1. About Submissions

1-1. How to enter

Entries for the awards should be submitted online using AWRD (“Award”) at, a creators’ portal site run by Loftwork Inc. Applicants will need to create their own AWRD user account (free of charge) to submit their entry.

1-2. Entry language

Since the judging will be conducted in English, please submit your entry in English or both in English and your language. If you submit your entry only in a language other than English, the Management Office will use a free translation tool to mechanically translate your entry and use it for judging. We recommend that applicants use a translation service to translate their entries into English and upload it along with the original language.

2. Entry

  1. The submitted project/idea must involve the Applicant or the company to which the Applicant belongs.
  2. The Applicant represents and warrants that the Entry does not violate or is not likely to violate any rights of the third party including intellectual property rights.
  3. If the Entry includes material prepared by a third party other than the Applicant (including, but not limited to, arts, images and fonts), the Applicant shall obtain clearance of rights, such as to obtain the permission of such third party, at its own expense and responsibility.
  4. If the Sponsor considers that the Entry violates or is likely to violate the rights of a third party, the Sponsor may exclude it from the examination.
  5. If a third party claims violation of rights to the Project Related Persons in relation to the Entry, the Applicant shall defend and indemnify the Project Related Persons at its own expense and responsibility.
  6. If the Project Related Persons covered the damage compensation or cost based on a third party’s claim of rights violation, the Applicant shall compensate the full amount, regardless of the name.

3. About the Copyright

Copyright of the submitted works belong to the Applicant. However, the Applicant shall permit FabCafe, Loftwork Inc., and/or Harch Inc. to reproduce, modify and/or exhibit their works for marketing purposes without prior consent of the Applicant.

4. Publication of submitted projects and idea photos

The main image of the submitted project/idea will be published on AWRD and on the project-specific website as appropriate.

5. Winning Entry

  1. The Sponsor shall examine the Entry, and by its own judgment, select the winning entry of the Project (the “Winning Entry”) and make an announcement by an appropriate means.
  2. The Sponsor may exclude from examination a work which does not follow the application procedure or specification prescribed in the application guidelines. In addition, if the fact becomes evident after being selected as a Winning Entry that the work was not eligible for examination, the Sponsor may cancel the selection as the Winning Entry.
  3. The Sponsor may decide that there is “No Winning Entry” if there is no Entry which is worth winning, as a result of examination.
  4. The Sponsor has no responsibility in relation to the examination results, and has no obligation to respond to any inquiry from the Applicant about the examination status and the results.
  5. The Sponsor may use the Winning Entry after the consultation with the Applicant of the Winning Entry (the “Winner”), and the details of condition shall be discussed separately and agreed on.

6. Handling of personal information

The Sponsor shall handle the personal information of the Applicant, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (including relevant Cabinet Orders, rules and guidelines, the “APPI”), to the extent necessary for achieving the following purposes.

(a) Inquiry from the Sponsor

(b) Notice of examination results from the Sponsor to the Applicant

(c) Project notification from the Sponsor to the Applicant

(d) Other matters which are reasonably relevant to (a), (b) or (c) (including in the case when the Sponsor provides the personal information to a third party)

If you have any questions about the handling of personal information, please contact the Sponsor by using the message of the Project.

7. Entry Considerations

7-1. Prohibitions

  • Submissions that are deemed fraudulent are prohibited.
  • Submissions must be created and completed independently. When using materials from a third party in the submission (photos, art, fonts, etc.), the Applicant must seek permission to use those materials from the copyright holder(s). In the event that the Applicant uses materials that infringes third-party copyrights, the submission will be excluded from the competition as soon as the infringement has been confirmed. Furthermore, the organizers and Loftwork Inc. will not be held liable in the event a third party claims right, infringements or damages against an Applicant or the organizers.
  • Please be aware that while applicants maintain all copyrights to their submitted works, applicants do not have rights with regard to any works that may be based on a same or similar concept to the work being submitted by the applicant. Please take this into account when you apply.
  • Any actions that violate Japanese or international law are prohibited. Actions that cause physical or mental harm to a third party, actions that cause defamation to a third party, and actions that infringe on any rights of a third party are also prohibited. Furthermore, any and all actions that disrupt public order are prohibited.

7-2. Disclaimer

  • Works that do not follow the requirements and submission rules laid out in the Entry Kit will not be eligible for examination.
  • It is possible that no submissions are selected for awards if submissions are not deemed appropriate.
  • We will not respond to inquiries from applicants regarding the selection processes or results.

8. Other matters

(1) The Sponsor may change the content of the Rules any time, by notifying using appropriate means such as email. At the point of login, the Applicant shall be deemed to have agreed to the latest Rules as of then.

(2) The matters not indicated in the Rules shall be determined by the Project Related Persons.


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