The Global Goals Jam (GGJ) engages makers and designers of all backgrounds around the world to contribute towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 through innovative design thinking. Using the Digital Society School’s Jamkit, local community members learn how to think big, start small and act fast!

The final Design Sprint for the Global Goals Jam is "Share it!" where facilitators and GGJ members document their findings both online and offline.

GGJ teams around the world are warmly invited to use this AWRD platform to share their deliverables quickly and easily! By gathering all the prototypes, completed templates, photographs and other GGJ contents on one platform, we will be able to see all the delivered output in one place, connecting the GGJs around the world in a visual-friendly way.
After signing up for a free AWRD account, all you need is...
1. Your prototype name and short description
2. Photos of the process of your team
3. Photos of important templates and ideation contents (screenshots are also okay!)
The most important thing is that your entry tells the story of what local challenge you focused on, your key insights and your resulting output.
Let's make Sprint #4 a strong, agile and meaningful sprint!
Questions? Please contact the GGJ Tokyo team at ggjtokyo@gmail.com