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NEWVIEW AWARDS 2024 Spatial Computing Category

Visions that Weave Context. - Redefining the connection between information and people -

Enter Now WED, AUG 21, 2024 - WED, OCT 16, 202427 days remaining


The XR creative award "NEWVIEW AWARDS 2024" will be held with the establishment of a new spatial computing division.

*Please note, this is the application page for the Spatial Computing category.

*For detailed information about the awards,
please refer to the NEWVIEW AWARDS 2024 application page (

*Since the judging will be conducted in English, please fill out all text related to your application in English.
For those using languages other than English, we recommend using translation services or tools.


NEWVIEW, a project/community pioneering new creative expressions and experiences in 3D spaces, is hosting the "NEWVIEW AWARDS 2024" to expand the possibilities of spatial computing.

Since 2018, the NEWVIEW AWARDS have discovered and launched next-generation artists/creators leading the XR (VR/AR/MR) domain in five previous editions. In this sixth iteration, the project focuses on reconstructing the real world's information, space, and experiences brought by spatial computing, and weaving new narratives of cognition and transformation.

We offer two distinct categories for entry: the 'Spatial Computing Category' for works utilizing Apple Vision Pro, and the 'Site-Specific AR Category' for location-based AR projects.

Entry Requirements: Works must be created with the spatial computing platform "STYLY" ( )look forward to unlocking new media capabilities through the collective intelligence of ambitious visions.

Visions that Weave Context. - Redefining the connection between information and people -

Since the advent of smartphones, considerable time has passed. These sleek, pocket-sized devices connect us not only with distant places but also with content from distant times. With the help of augmented reality (AR), they create illusions within our reality, reshaping what we see. It's akin to constructing a separate realm through magic.

However, this magic, which dissolves the boundaries of place and time, also strips away the context tied to information, leaving content scattered across an endless horizon. Where is the depth that connects us to this information? Considering this, could spatial computing, beginning with Apple Vision Pro, offer a perspective and tangible information environment that helps reestablish a healthy relationship between humans and context? After all, there can be no story without context.

The windows freely placed within our reality and the presence of immersive content once again highlight the importance of context in our existence. What relationships will you weave or reweave? If you are to layer content with context beyond mere vision, now is the time.

About the Categories


  • This category invites participants to create works that can be experienced through Apple Vision Pro.
  • We are looking for entries that weave future narratives through Spatial Computing and the reframing of real-world contexts.
  • In this category, approximately 10 projects will be selected from the submissions in late October for production support. These projects will benefit from technical assistance provided by STYLY to help materialize their concepts.
  • The reason for offering production support is the current lack of established expertise and know-how for creating works with Apple Vision Pro. Thus, STYLY is committed to assisting entrants in their creative endeavors.
  • Selected creators will have the opportunity to refine their submitted works until 12:00  (UTC) on December 17, with ongoing support.
  • The production support will include:
    • Assistance in materializing ideas associated with technology.
    • Technical support during the creation process, which is expected to be conducted through text chat on Discord.
  • If selected as finalists, the creators’ works will be exhibited at a venue in Tokyo in February 2025.
  • NEWVIEW SCHOOL 2024 (JP / global) also encourages the creation of works for the Spatial Computing category, and projects by NEWVIEW SCHOOL participants will be considered from the finalist judging phase.



  • Submission Period: August 21, 2024 to October 16, 2024, 12:00 (UTC)
  • Announcement of Selected Works for Production Support: Planned for late October 2024
    • Approximately 10 works will be selected for support. Recipients of the support will be required to complete their works by  December 17, 2024, 12:00 (UTC).
    • The announcement of the selected recipients will be made via email from the secretariat.
  • Finalist Works Announcement: Scheduled for mid-January 2025
    • About 10 works that have passed the judging process, including works from NEWVIEW SCHOOL participants, will be selected and announced as finalist works.
  • Finalist Exhibition, Final Judging Results Announcement, and Awards Ceremony: Scheduled for February 2025
    • The GOLD PRIZE and various other PRIZE-winning works will be announced on the NEWVIEW website.
    • The finalist exhibition and awards ceremony will take place at a location in Tokyo. Details will be disclosed as they become available.

About Participation

  • No participation fee required.
  • Open to everyone (group entries are also possible).

Judging Process

  • Support Candidate Review: Based on the works and project proposals, approximately 10 works will be selected for production support after review by the NEWVIEW AWARDS secretariat.
  • Finalist Review: Select finalist works from about 10 support candidate works and works from NEWVIEW SCHOOL participants. These works will be subject to the final judging.
  • Final Judging: Final judging will be conducted by the jury to decide the awards (PRIZES), experienced with Apple Vision Pro.

Submission Requirements
*Since the judging will be conducted in English, please fill out all text related to your application in English. If applications are submitted only in a language other than English, the administration office will use free translation tools to translate the content for evaluation purposes.

  1. At least one screenshot of the work
    1. Image format: JPEG, PNG
    2. The guideline is approximately 10MB per image.

  2. Project proposal for the submitted work
    1. Clearly include the following:
      1. Title of the work
      2. Concept of the work
      3. Ideal method, duration, and location of the experience
      4. Production software and techniques used
      5. Concrete image upon completion.
        ※Please write in English.
        ※Store on an external drive and include a viewable URL. If a password is required for viewing, please also include it.
        ※If selected as a finalist, your work will be featured on our website
  3. Work URL
    1. As production support is planned, it is fine if the work is not in its final completed state at the time of submission.
    2. The work URL refers to the URL of the scene created by performing “Publish” on STYL

  4. Creator Profile ※Please write in English.
    1. Creator’s name or group name 
    2. Country of residence
    3. Title
    4. Email address
    5. Profile ※Limit: 200 words in English.

※If applications are submitted only in a language other than English, the administration office will use free translation tools to translate the content for evaluation purposes.

Selection Criteria ※Applicable to both categories

  • Creativity and Originality
    • Does it employ original ideas or approaches?

  • Message and User Experience
    • Does it provide a message and user experience that offer new perspectives or insights?

  • Impact
    • How well does it present societal impact or future possibilities?


You can find the list of judges on the NEWVIEW application page (


・One work selected per category
・$5,000 USD per category

・One work selected per category
The winner will have the opportunity to collaborate with PARCO. (The details of the collaboration will be decided through discussion.)

・One work selected per category
・The recipient's work will be displayed at a booth at AWE USA 2025, and they will be provided with a complimentary ticket to the event. Additionally, we will support the announcement of the Auggie Award and the submission of works, as well as cooperate in promoting the event through social media and newsletters.
※If you are involved in the exhibition and wish to travel to the site, we plan to provide partial support for the expenses.


GOLD SPONSOR :J. Front Retailing Co., Ltd.
Collaboration Partner:404 Not Found
Media Partner :、Mogura VR、Real Sound テック、TECHVANGART、WIRED



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