Save Our Seas Mini Jam

Join us for the Save Our Oceans Mini Jam, where change makers around the world will design interventions for SDG Goal #14 Life Below Water.

Closed WED, JUL 22, 2020 - FRI, AUG 07, 2020

FAQ and Important Points

The event sold out but I still want to join! Is there a waiting list?

A: Please email the Organizer at, Subject: SOS Mini Jam sign up request.

What is the language for this event?

A: The event will be held primarily in English. Some facilitators speak English, Japanese and/or Chinese so there may be an opportunity for some language assistance.

What are the technical requirements to join?

A: We will be using ZOOM for communication and Miro for the design thinking workshop. Participants should sign up for a free account on ZOOM as well as Miro before joining, have access to stable internet and a relatively undisturbed space.


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